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    Improving OLAP cube usability

    We are considering for trying & buying OLAP cube option of Smartclient library.
    But because of our requirements (a lot of data for analysis), usability of this component should be improved...
    I attached screenshot of desktop olap cube component we are currently using (it's similar to DevExpress pivot, JidePivot etc), and the main option is values filter window.
    The next possible improvements i see:
    1. checking/unchecking multiple values during single call to this window
    2. check all/uncheck all/invert selection
    3. searching for value by text filter
    4. possibility for cancelling selection change

    also it'll be very(!) useful if user could open filter window with only one click, not with drop-down menu. In component we are using it's realized with button integrated in field header (see the second attach)

    So, it's interesting, can it be realized and when it can be, if can.
    Two possible terms are interesting us: for free and for money.
    Attached Files

    As far as we can tell this is a question about creating a deeply customized ComboBox and only tangentially about the CubeGrid (the possible desire to trigger the ComboBox from a header inside the CubeGrid, although it sounds as if you might want it to be external instead).

    To customize ComboBox or SelectItem, see pickListFields, pickListProperties, getPickListFilterCriteria() etc. If this doesn't provide enough customization, you can create your own PickList based on ListGrid.


      Originally posted by Isomorphic
      the possible desire to trigger the ComboBox from a header inside the CubeGrid
      - exactly so.

      So, the fastest and simplest way is to create such control by ourselves and override your default selection list?

      Also, thank you for quick answer



        The fastest way is always to have Isomorphic do it, of course, but it's more expensive. It's not clear from the screenshot what all of the controls on your ComboBox are designed to do, but some of it may be eligible for Feature Sponsorship so that you wouldn't have to write & maintain the code yourself.

