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    ComboBox enhancements

    We have need for two enhancements:
    1) Fire changed event also after setValue(). When row matching this new value isn't available in picklist, changed event is fired after fetch from server. Benefit is that you can code all screen changes which have to be done after item is changed in ComboBoxItem on one place (changed event) and you can ALWAYS use getSelectedRow() to use other columns data. Doing it with existing capabilities of ComboBox, you have to override setValue(), dataArrived() and have very complex logic for recognizing state. Maybe you can introduce new method which will have this behavior, like setValueAndFireChange() for better backward compatibility.
    2) This is more esoteric but often needed. Imagine you have ComboBoxItem with addUnknownValues:true, valueField: "ZIP" and data in picklist like:
    1, 12345, St. Monica
    2, 12345, St. Clara
    3, 67890, Marco Polo

    When you type '12345' in ComboBox, pickList is filtered and changed event is fired, however two rows match this value, when you press downArrow now and press Enter no changed event is fired. Yes, value doesn't change, it's still 12345 however selected street is different and you need to set it to other combo as default value however you aren't informed about this change. Of course you can set valueField to 'id' and everything will work but when you have addUnknownValues: true you have to set it to ZIP - dead lock.

    Thank you very much for considering this. Can you please send me also price for developing this? Maybe I can find some money in project budget to support you.
    Last edited by; 21 Oct 2011, 00:23.