It would be nice to have a feature for showing a progress screen and load scripts and/or other resources assynchronous on the fly.
Script resources could also be automatically appended to the document.
The idea is that all the resources including isomorphic API could be loaded before the application starts and the progress shown to the user.
Something like this:
Script resources could also be automatically appended to the document.
The idea is that all the resources including isomorphic API could be loaded before the application starts and the progress shown to the user.
Something like this:
<html> <head> <script src="./isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_ResourceLoader.js"></script> <script> window.onload = function() { var loader = isc.ResourceLoader.create ({ showLoadingScreen : true, autoInstallScripts : true, resources : [ { name : "license" url : "./license.txt", type : "plain_text"}, { name : "isomorphic_core", url : "./isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_Core.js", type : "script"}, { name : "validator", url : "./scripts/my_custom_validation.js", type : "script"} ] resourceLodaded : function (name, url, type, data, totalProgress) { if (name == "license") confirm(data); }, onComplete : function() { isc.Window.create ({ width : 200, height : 150, autoCenter : true, items : [ isc.Label.create({contents : "All files were loaded correctly!"}); ] }); }, onError : function(name, url, type, errorCode) { if ((errorCode == 404) && (name == "isomorphic_core")) { alert("The isomorphic core API wasn't found! You can continue using this application but some features will not be available!"); } } }); loader.start(); } </script> </head> <body> </body> </html>