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    Image Slider componenet

    It would be great if Image slider componenet is build as a componenet.

    Example implementation of the same can be found in
    1. Flickr DHTML interface
    2. Flock Browser

    a. The model holds certain number of items into the slider, these items are loaded by default or loaded dynamically using AJAX calls.
    b. The Slider has 2 buttons in the either ends as follows
    |< < [Slider Boxes] > >|

    When < > are clicked the slider moves in approrpiate direction
    and when |< >| are clicked then the slider goes to end of the list in that direction
    The slider moves in an animated manner.
    c. Slider can hold images in particular dimension
    d. Slider initial viewport dimesnion are specified, basically this will also determine the slider actual dimension.
    e. If the slider componenet or its container is resized then slider view items are decreased and increased automatically.
    f. The items inside the slider will have Click and drag controls.

    This componenet is widely being used in the new web2.0 frameworks. It would be best and helpful if added to the core componenets list.

    Last edited by skota; 6 Nov 2006, 10:43.