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    Paging Support in TreeGrid

    Currently there is no paging support in TreeGrid ( startRow,endRow information in DSRequest) which is there in ListGrid.

    But we have a requirement in which a parent node of a TreeGrid may have 1000+ child. In this case it will degrade the performance if the DSResponse contains 1000+ records sent back to the client.So we need the paging support to be included in TreeGrid. That will increase the responsiveness of the application.
    The implementaion should be like this.
    If i click on any node then the server fetch need not return the all the children of the node,instead it can return a batch of records. Rest of the children will be fetched only when the scrolling happens..( like in the case of List Grid).

    Is it achievable?

    This feature may be useful for displaying a Network Topology.


      in my some application need this function.

