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    RPCManager.setLoginRequiredCallback() throws Unable to load module entry point ERROR

    SmartGWTPower 2.3
    GWT 1.7

    class TZLoginRequiredCallback implements LoginRequiredCallback {
            public void loginRequired(int transactionNum, com.smartgwt.client.rpc.RPCRequest request, com.smartgwt.client.rpc.RPCResponse response) {
                    SC.say("TZ", "You have been logged out, do you want to proceed to login page?", new BooleanCallback() {
                        public void execute(Boolean value) {
                            if(value != null && value) {
                                Window.Location.replace(GWT.getHostPageBaseURL() + "login.jsp");
    Code from class
    LoginRequiredCallback lrc = new TZLoginRequiredCallback();
    The RPCManager.setLoginRequiredCallback(lrc) call is throwing this error in the GWT Console:

    [ERROR] Unable to load module entry point class (see associated exception for details) (TypeError): Object expected
     number: -2146823281
     description: Object expected
    	at com.smartgwt.client.rpc.RPCManager.setLoginRequiredCallback(Native Method)
    When I comment out the RPCManager.setLoginRequiredCallback(lrc) call, my application appears to work (with the exception of the timeout callback feature). When I uncomment that RPCManager call, I see the error in the GWT Log.

    Can you reproduce this error?

    No, we're not seeing this error.

    You seem to be saying that *just* calling setLoginRequiredCallback() (without the loginRequired event ever occurring) causes an error. The most likely explanation for this would be a mismatch between your SmartGWT version and the version of the underlying SmartClient runtime, a situation you can create by trying to just update certain .jars rather than following the documented installation procedures.


      Yes, exactly. When I make the call RPCManager.setLoginRequiredCallback(), I get the error upon making that call. When I comment out that call, I do not get the error.

      I will check the runtime jars, thanks.


        I have followed the installation instructions and have rebuilt my project from scratch. I am using the SmartGWT Power 2.3 edition. I am still seeing the same error being thrown.

        I changed the GWT compiler option and this is the culprit:

        function com_smartgwt_client_rpc_RPCManager_setLoginRequiredCallback__Lcom_smartgwt_client_rpc_LoginRequiredCallback_2(callback){
          $wnd.isc.RPCManager.addClassProperties({loginRequired:$entry(function(transactionNum, request, response){
            var requestJ = (com_smartgwt_client_rpc_RPCRequest_$clinit__() , com_smartgwt_client_rpc_RPCRequest_$RPCRequest__Lcom_smartgwt_client_rpc_RPCRequest_2Lcom_google_gwt_core_client_JavaScriptObject_2(new com_smartgwt_client_rpc_RPCRequest(), request));
            var responseJ = (com_smartgwt_client_rpc_RPCResponse_$clinit__() , com_smartgwt_client_rpc_RPCResponse_$RPCResponse__Lcom_smartgwt_client_rpc_RPCResponse_2Lcom_google_gwt_core_client_JavaScriptObject_2(new com_smartgwt_client_rpc_RPCResponse(), response));
            callback.loginRequired__ILcom_smartgwt_client_rpc_RPCRequest_2Lcom_smartgwt_client_rpc_RPCResponse_2(transactionNum, requestJ, responseJ);
        I don't see how my SmartGWT jars can be mismatched with the Isomorphic jars since I am starting from scratch with the SmartGWT Power 2.3 download. Does the JS above give any more clues as to the issue I am seeing?


          <inherits name=""/>
          <inherits name="com.smartgwtpower.SmartGwtPowerNoScript"/>
          <inherits name=""/>
          <script src=''></script>
          <script src=''></script>
          <script src=''></script>
          <script src=''></script>
          <script src=''></script>
          <script src=''></script>
          <script src=''></script>
          <script src=''></script>


            Here is the server log. I don't see any errors upon startup:
            Using CATALINA_BASE:   "C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\.netbeans\6.9\apache-tomcat-6.0.26_base"
            Using CATALINA_HOME:   "C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache Tomcat 6.0.26"
            Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: "C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\.netbeans\6.9\apache-tomcat-6.0.26_base\temp"
            Using JRE_HOME:        "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_17"
            Using CLASSPATH:       "C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache Tomcat 6.0.26\bin\bootstrap.jar"
            Listening for transport dt_shmem at address: tomcat_shared_memory_id
            Dec 7, 2010 10:46:41 AM org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener init
            INFO: Loaded APR based Apache Tomcat Native library 1.1.20.
            Dec 7, 2010 10:46:41 AM org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener init
            INFO: APR capabilities: IPv6 [true], sendfile [true], accept filters [false], random [true].
            Dec 7, 2010 10:46:42 AM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11AprProtocol init
            INFO: Initializing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8084
            Dec 7, 2010 10:46:42 AM org.apache.coyote.ajp.AjpAprProtocol init
            INFO: Initializing Coyote AJP/1.3 on ajp-8009
            Dec 7, 2010 10:46:42 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina load
            INFO: Initialization processed in 5554 ms
            Dec 7, 2010 10:46:42 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService start
            INFO: Starting service Catalina
            Dec 7, 2010 10:46:42 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine start
            INFO: Starting Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/6.0.26
            Dec 7, 2010 10:46:42 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployDescriptor
            INFO: Deploying configuration descriptor manager.xml
            Dec 7, 2010 10:46:42 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployDescriptor
            INFO: Deploying configuration descriptor ROOT.xml
            Dec 7, 2010 10:46:42 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployDescriptor
            INFO: Deploying configuration descriptor tzw.xml
            ISC: Configuring log4j from: file:/C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/smitj01/My%20Documents/NetBeansProjects/upgrade/TradeZoomWeb/build/web/WEB-INF/classes/log4j.isc.config.xml
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:46,752 [main] INFO  ISCInit - Isomorphic SmartClient Framework - Initializing
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:46,768 [main] INFO  ConfigLoader - Attempting to load from CLASSPATH
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:47,018 [main] INFO  ConfigLoader - Successfully loaded from CLASSPATH at location: file:/C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/smitj01/.netbeans/6.9/apache-tomcat-6.0.26_base/work/Catalina/localhost/tzw/loader/
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:47,018 [main] INFO  ConfigLoader - Attempting to load from CLASSPATH
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:47,018 [main] INFO  ConfigLoader - Unable to locate in CLASSPATH
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:47,096 [main] INFO  ConfigLoader - Successfully loaded from CLASSPATH at location: file:/C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/smitj01/.netbeans/6.9/apache-tomcat-6.0.26_base/work/Catalina/localhost/tzw/loader/
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:47,096 [main] INFO  ConfigLoader - Attempting to load from CLASSPATH
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:47,096 [main] INFO  ConfigLoader - Successfully loaded from CLASSPATH at location: file:/C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/smitj01/My%20Documents/NetBeansProjects/upgrade/TradeZoomWeb/build/web/WEB-INF/classes/
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:47,158 [main] INFO  Logger - Logging system started.
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:47,158 [main] INFO  ISCInit - Isomorphic SmartClient Framework (SC_SNAPSHOT-2010-08-03/PowerEdition Deployment 2010-08-03) - Initialization Complete
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:47,158 [main] INFO  ISCInit - Auto-detected webRoot - using: C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:47,237 [main] INFO  PreCache - Isomorphic PreCache servlet loading
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:47,268 [main] INFO  PoolManager - SmartClient pooling disabled for 'DataSource' objects
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:47,330 [main] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web\\sc\system\schema\DataSource.ds.xml: 0ms
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:47,346 [main] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web\\sc\system\schema\builtinTypes.xml: 0ms
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:47,424 [main] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web\\sc\system\schema\DataSourceField.ds.xml: 16ms
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:47,440 [main] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web\\sc\system\schema\Validator.ds.xml: 0ms
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:47,455 [main] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web\\sc\system\schema\ValueMap.ds.xml: 0ms
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:47,455 [main] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web\\sc\system\schema\InstantDataApp.ds.xml: 0ms
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:47,533 [main] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web\\sc\system\schema\Application.ds.xml: 0ms
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:47,549 [main] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web\\sc\system\schema\IDAPage.ds.xml: 0ms
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:47,549 [main] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web\\sc\system\schema\IDAUserType.ds.xml: 0ms
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:47,549 [main] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web\\sc\system\schema\IDAOperation.ds.xml: 0ms
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:47,658 [main] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web\\sc\system\schema\Canvas.ds.xml: 0ms
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:47,690 [main] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web\\sc\system\schema\MethodDeclaration.ds.xml: 0ms
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:47,690 [main] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web\\sc\system\schema\Img.ds.xml: 0ms
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:47,752 [main] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web\\sc\system\schema\StatefulCanvas.ds.xml: 0ms
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:47,752 [main] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web\\sc\system\schema\Button.ds.xml: 0ms
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:47,768 [main] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web\\sc\system\schema\ListViewer.ds.xml: 0ms
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:47,846 [main] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web\\sc\system\schema\ListGrid.ds.xml: 0ms
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:47,861 [main] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web\\sc\system\schema\DynamicForm.ds.xml: 0ms
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:47,877 [main] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web\\sc\system\schema\FormItem.ds.xml: 0ms
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:47,955 [main] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web\\sc\system\schema\DetailViewer.ds.xml: 0ms
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:47,955 [main] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web\\sc\system\schema\DetailViewerField.ds.xml: 0ms
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:47,971 [main] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web\\sc\system\schema\isomorphicXML.ds.xml: 16ms
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:48,049 [main] INFO  PreCache - Isomorphic PreCache complete (812ms)
            Dec 7, 2010 10:46:48 AM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11AprProtocol start
            INFO: Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8084
            Dec 7, 2010 10:46:48 AM org.apache.coyote.ajp.AjpAprProtocol start
            INFO: Starting Coyote AJP/1.3 on ajp-8009
            Dec 7, 2010 10:46:48 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start
            INFO: Server startup in 6616 ms
            Dec 7, 2010 10:46:49 AM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader clearReferencesJdbc
            SEVERE: A web application registered the JBDC driver [] but failed to unregister it when the web application was stopped. To prevent a memory leak, the JDBC Driver has been forcibly unregistered.
            Dec 7, 2010 10:46:50 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig checkResources
            INFO: Undeploying context [/tzw]
            Dec 7, 2010 10:46:50 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployDescriptor
            INFO: Deploying configuration descriptor tzw.xml
            ISC: Configuring log4j from: file:/C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/smitj01/My%20Documents/NetBeansProjects/upgrade/TradeZoomWeb/build/web/WEB-INF/classes/log4j.isc.config.xml
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:53,361 [84-4] INFO  ISCInit - Isomorphic SmartClient Framework - Initializing
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:53,377 [84-4] INFO  ConfigLoader - Attempting to load from CLASSPATH
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:53,486 [84-4] INFO  ConfigLoader - Successfully loaded from CLASSPATH at location: file:/C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/smitj01/.netbeans/6.9/apache-tomcat-6.0.26_base/work/Catalina/localhost/tzw/loader/
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:53,486 [84-4] INFO  ConfigLoader - Attempting to load from CLASSPATH
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:53,486 [84-4] INFO  ConfigLoader - Unable to locate in CLASSPATH
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:53,486 [84-4] INFO  ConfigLoader - Successfully loaded from CLASSPATH at location: file:/C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/smitj01/.netbeans/6.9/apache-tomcat-6.0.26_base/work/Catalina/localhost/tzw/loader/
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:53,580 [84-4] INFO  ConfigLoader - Attempting to load from CLASSPATH
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:53,580 [84-4] INFO  ConfigLoader - Successfully loaded from CLASSPATH at location: file:/C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/smitj01/My%20Documents/NetBeansProjects/upgrade/TradeZoomWeb/build/web/WEB-INF/classes/
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:53,596 [84-4] INFO  Logger - Logging system started.
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:53,596 [84-4] INFO  ISCInit - Isomorphic SmartClient Framework (SC_SNAPSHOT-2010-08-03/PowerEdition Deployment 2010-08-03) - Initialization Complete
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:53,596 [84-4] INFO  ISCInit - Auto-detected webRoot - using: C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:53,783 [84-4] INFO  PreCache - Isomorphic PreCache servlet loading
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:53,814 [84-4] INFO  PoolManager - SmartClient pooling disabled for 'DataSource' objects
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:53,877 [84-4] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web\\sc\system\schema\DataSource.ds.xml: 0ms
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:53,877 [84-4] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web\\sc\system\schema\builtinTypes.xml: 0ms
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:53,955 [84-4] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web\\sc\system\schema\DataSourceField.ds.xml: 0ms
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:53,971 [84-4] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web\\sc\system\schema\Validator.ds.xml: 0ms
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:53,986 [84-4] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web\\sc\system\schema\ValueMap.ds.xml: 0ms
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:54,002 [84-4] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web\\sc\system\schema\InstantDataApp.ds.xml: 16ms
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:54,064 [84-4] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web\\sc\system\schema\Application.ds.xml: 0ms
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:54,080 [84-4] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web\\sc\system\schema\IDAPage.ds.xml: 0ms
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:54,096 [84-4] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web\\sc\system\schema\IDAUserType.ds.xml: 0ms
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:54,096 [84-4] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web\\sc\system\schema\IDAOperation.ds.xml: 0ms
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:54,111 [84-4] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web\\sc\system\schema\Canvas.ds.xml: 0ms
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:54,221 [84-4] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web\\sc\system\schema\MethodDeclaration.ds.xml: 0ms
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:54,221 [84-4] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web\\sc\system\schema\Img.ds.xml: 0ms
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:54,236 [84-4] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web\\sc\system\schema\StatefulCanvas.ds.xml: 15ms
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:54,299 [84-4] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web\\sc\system\schema\Button.ds.xml: 0ms
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:54,299 [84-4] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web\\sc\system\schema\ListViewer.ds.xml: 0ms
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:54,314 [84-4] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web\\sc\system\schema\ListGrid.ds.xml: 0ms
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:54,408 [84-4] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web\\sc\system\schema\DynamicForm.ds.xml: 0ms
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:54,424 [84-4] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web\\sc\system\schema\FormItem.ds.xml: 0ms
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:54,439 [84-4] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web\\sc\system\schema\DetailViewer.ds.xml: 15ms
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:54,502 [84-4] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web\\sc\system\schema\DetailViewerField.ds.xml: 16ms
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:54,502 [84-4] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web\\sc\system\schema\isomorphicXML.ds.xml: 0ms
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:54,502 [84-4] INFO  PreCache - Isomorphic PreCache complete (719ms)
            === 2010-12-07 10:46:59,314 [84-4] INFO  RequestContext - URL: '/tzw/', User-Agent: 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.2; WOW64; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; InfoPath.2)': MSIE with Accept-Encoding header, ready for compressed JS
            === 2010-12-07 10:47:00,799 [84-4] INFO  Compression - /tzw/: 5418 -> 1291 bytes
            === 2010-12-07 10:47:00,799 [84-4] DEBUG ServletTools - setting cookie 'isc_cState' to: 'ready'
            === 2010-12-07 10:47:12,830 [84-4] INFO  RequestContext - URL: '/tzw/home.htm', User-Agent: 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.2; WOW64; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; InfoPath.2)': MSIE with Accept-Encoding header, ready for compressed JS
            2010-12-07 10:47:12,861 DEBUG [] - <called handleRequestInternal()>
            === 2010-12-07 10:47:13,001 [84-4] INFO  Compression - /tzw/home.htm: 4857 -> 1577 bytes
            === 2010-12-07 10:47:13,017 [84-3] INFO  RequestContext - URL: '/tzw/ds/postTradeCubeDataSource.jsp', User-Agent: 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.2; WOW64; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; InfoPath.2)': MSIE with Accept-Encoding header, ready for compressed JS
            === 2010-12-07 10:47:13,017 [84-4] INFO  RequestContext - URL: '/tzw/sc/DataSourceLoader', User-Agent: 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.2; WOW64; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; InfoPath.2)': MSIE with Accept-Encoding header, ready for compressed JS
            === 2010-12-07 10:47:13,095 [84-4] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web\ds\client-view.ds.xml: 0ms
            === 2010-12-07 10:47:13,111 [84-4] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web\\sc\system\schema\OperationBinding.ds.xml: 0ms
            === 2010-12-07 10:47:13,158 [84-4] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web\\sc\system\schema\ServerObject.ds.xml: 16ms
            === 2010-12-07 10:47:13,236 [84-4] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web\ds\stock.ds.xml: 16ms
            === 2010-12-07 10:47:13,236 [84-4] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web\ds\direction.ds.xml: 0ms
            === 2010-12-07 10:47:13,251 [84-4] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web\ds\currency.ds.xml: 0ms
            === 2010-12-07 10:47:13,314 [84-4] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web\ds\portfolio-item.ds.xml: 16ms
            === 2010-12-07 10:47:13,330 [84-4] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web\ds\user-search.ds.xml: 16ms
            === 2010-12-07 10:47:13,330 [84-4] DEBUG XML - Parsed XML from C:\Documents and Settings\smitj01\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\upgrade\TradeZoomWeb\build\web\ds\client-search.ds.xml: 0ms


              We're not able to reproduce this and it's not clear what might even be causing this.

              1) Can you try the latest nightly build and see if you're still getting the error
              2) Which hosted browser are you using?
              3) Have you cleared your browser cache?
              4) If you're still getting the error with the latest nightly build then please create a minimal standalone testcase that demonstrates the issue



                Where can I get the latest nightly build?

                I'm using the GWT 1.7.1 Hosted browser in development mode. I also can reproduce this in IE 8.

                Yes I have cleared my browser cache (I do this when ever I come across an issue - I've found this does resolve some issues).

                I have found 1 customization in the application. The com.isomorphic.servlet.IDACall servlet has been extended overriding:
                public DSResponse handleDSRequest(DSRequest dsRequest, RPCManager rpc, RequestContext context)
                Could this be a problem with RPCManager?


                  No, this error is happening client-side before the server is ever contacted.

                  Your includes are in the wrong order (DataBinding should be before Calendar) but this also would not cause the issue.

                  One thing to check is whether you've got stale files being delivered to the browser. Open Firebug's Net panel and look at the headers on ISC_Core.js et al - they contain build dates. If they don't agree with the download date of your SDK, that's the issue.

                  If that doesn't help, we'll need the minimal standalone test case mentioned earlier, as the problem cannot be reproduced over here.


                    Oh, and nightly builds are at


                      What is really confusing is when I comment out the Console code in onModuleLoad():
                      if (!GWT.isScript()) {
                                  KeyIdentifier debugKey = new KeyIdentifier();
                                  Page.registerKey(debugKey, new KeyCallback() {
                                      public void execute(String keyName) {
                      The RPCManager call works fine.

                      I'm checking the files delivered to the browser now...will report back.


                        I checked the JS files being delivered to the browser (ISC_Core.js etc) and they all have the same build date:

                        Version SC_SNAPSHOT-2010-08-03/PowerEdition Deployment (2010-08-03)

                        I tried doing a stand alone project and cannot replicate the issue when making the call to RPCManager.setLoginRequiredCallback(). So this leads me to believe we have some custom code in our application that may be causing problems?

                        I'm wondering if you should have a look at some key files in our app that may lead to the issue? Is there a list of files I could email you?


                          You indicated the date on the ISC_Core.js files, but you didn't indicate if that matches the date of your SDK as a whole. Remember, the most likely cause is a mismatch between your SGWT code and the .js files caused by bad installation or stale files.

                          So, first, try the latest nightly build. Installing this may correct the error just by getting rid of some kind of staleness.

                          Then, if you're still getting the problem, no normal application code (using DataSource, Grids, etc, etc) can cause this problem. You should be able to rapidly simplify the project until you can isolate a cause.


                            The dates do match. In the server log I posted above, you will see the same SDK date.

                            I will try the nightly builds.


                              The nightly builds fixed the issue.

