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  • Isomorphic
    If you are calling removeData() there will be no animation. Call removeRecordClick().

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  • jchajdiak
    Originally posted by jchajdiak View Post
    When I use setCanRemoveRecors and user clicks on remove icon, the removed record is animated out of view.

    When I use my own remove field and call listgrid.removedata, it's not animated... what if I need animated remove and also "removed record event" ?

    thank you.
    ...any answer here ?

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  • jchajdiak
    Originally posted by Isomorphic View Post
    This has been answered many times. Create your own "remove" field and use CellClick.
    When I use setCanRemoveRecors and user clicks on remove icon, the removed record is animated out of view.

    When I use my own remove field and call listgrid.removedata, it's not animated... what if I need animated remove and also "removed record event" ?

    thank you.

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  • Isomorphic
    This has been answered many times. Create your own "remove" field and use CellClick.

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  • webashlar
    No workaround still. I had tried many ways out.

    I am still wondering there is no answer from SmartGWT team also. Isomorphic can you please guide us? I know there must be some solution for it but not able to find it.

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  • pH4Lk0n

    Any new information about this?
    I'm having the same problem.
    I don't see any documented handler of remove event.
    Maybe some workaround??

    Best regards

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  • webashlar
    Isnt it possible using SmartGWT EE?

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  • webashlar
    Any help? or if i am wrong anywhere then also please let me know.

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  • webashlar
    started a topic Capture "Remove" Event of ListGrid

    Capture "Remove" Event of ListGrid


    I am new to this so please help me if possible. I am using smartgwt ee 3.0p trial version to see how it can be helpful in our project.

    I am having a ListGrid attached with Datasource using userDS.ds.xml.

    ListGrid usersGrid = new ListGrid();
    Now when i click on "Remove" icon in Grid its removing the record very well and also grid getting updated very well.

    But now i want to capture the Remove Event. So when i click on "Remove" it should capture the event and application should get notify that "Remove" operation had been done successfully (as i want to do some java method calls after the successful removal of record).

    I know this can be silly question, but i am not able to find it. I gone through docs and forums. But not able to get the answer.

    Thanks in advance. :)