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    Expansion Component and the Selected row style

    SmartClient Version: v10.1p_2016-01-03/Pro Deployment (built 2016-01-03)

    Is there a way to prevent the row "Selected" style from impacting content contained within the expansion component?


    Let me reword that please. Is there way to prevent an expansion from "selecting" the row?


      Do you want to just avoid the styling, or do you want the logical selection unchanged (that is, getSelection() should not return the expanded row, and the existing selection should be left alone)?

      One way to achieve the latter would be to use selectionAppearance:"checkbox".


        I toying with the idea that I would like to prevent a click of the expansion icon field, the one which expands or collapses a row, from causing logical selection, not just styling. As the user is expanding and collapsing, it can become a bit flashy and I would like prevent logical selection under this specific scenario.


          Apologies for the delay - we've looked into this and, realistically, the only way to avoid selection happening in the first place would be deep surgery to AutoChildren that we could have forward compatibility issues with. So, you'd have to reverse the selection after the fact, and that's a pretty hacky solution.

          So, we've added a property to control it instead - as of builds dated February 12, setting ListGrid.selectOnExpandRecord to false will prevent record-selection for clicks on the expansion field.

