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    Small issues with filterRow for DateItems (centering / used text)

    Hi Isomorphic,

    please see this online sample screenshot (v11.0p_2016-04-07):
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Filter_DateItem_Positioning_Since_String.PNG
Views:	82
Size:	28.7 KB
ID:	236701

    As you can see the text "Since Apr 9..."is not centered inside the filterRow. This effect is way stronger in my Application with higher FormItems:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	MyApp.PNG
Views:	75
Size:	1.7 KB
ID:	236702

    Also - very minor - in the screenshot "Since" or "Seit" is not the correct wording for "From"-dates in the future. Easiest is possibly to always use "from" and "to".

    Can you fix this in 5.1 as well?

    Thank you & Best regards,

    The centering issue is addressed for tomorrow's builds - we'll consider your second point, and perhaps enhance the date-range --> readable-description parsing logic to deal with such cases.


      Hi Isomorphic,

      did you also fix this in 5.1p? It seems to be centered now in the online sample in "spacious", but not in my application (v10.1p_2016-04-26), which uses higher FormItems.

      Best regards


        No we didn't, because 5.1 is a live branch which does not support the new density settings.

        That said, it should not be too intrusive to port it to 5.1, if it's an important feature for you.


          Hi Isomorphic,

          no, not necessary. If it's going to work in my case (higher FormItems) in 6.0 (I won't change density settings, as my skin already looks like I want it to look) it's fine for me.
          No user reports about this so far and I'll switch to 6.0 within the next 1-2 months.

          Best regards


            Hi Isomorphic,

            just to let you know:
            There went something wrong with this fix. It is working in 6.0p Enterprise (v11.0p_2017-03-21, all density settings), but is broken again in 6.1d in both Tahoe and 6.1d Enterprise (SNAPSHOT_v11.1d_2017-03-19, all density settings).

            6.1d seems to be around since March 2016, so is it possible that it did not get applied to that branch then?

            Best regards


              The changes for this fix were applied to both 6.1 and 6.0 around this date last year, and we don't see any other likely code differences between 6.1 and 6.0 in this area.

              Which issue are you seeing exactly? Can you show a screenshot?


                Hi Isomorphic,

                please see this screenshot, taken today in the linked showcase example from #6. As you can see, the word "Since" is only vertically centered in the first one.

                Click image for larger version

Name:	FilterDate positioning.png
Views:	80
Size:	28.2 KB
ID:	244227

                Best regards


                  Thanks - we'll take a look


                    Hi Isomorphic,

                    this is still open using v11.1p_2017-08-17, see this sample and the "Nationhood"-column in the 2nd ListGrid there.

                    Best regards


                      We've just fixed this - please retest with a build dated August 27 or later.


                        Hi Isomorphic,

                        I can see this is fixed in v11.1p_2017-08-27.

                        Thank you & Best regards

