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    Thank you for the follow-up.


      We've now made a change which we believe will resolve this issue for you. Please try the next nightly build (April 26).
      The change has been applied to 5.1, 6.0 and 6.1 branches

      Isomorphic Software


        Wonderful. We will verify. Thank you.


          Hi Isomorphic,

          While working on verifying this fix, we found the following warnings flooded in the Developer Console when we scroll up and down with our mouse-wheel on a DynamicForm.

          If you could take a look at this, that would be appreciated. Looks like regression.


          14:34:14.718:MUP3:WARN:Log:Call to Super for method: handleMouseWheel failed on: [DynamicForm ID:isc_XXXDynamicForm_9]: couldn't find a superclass implementation of : DynamicForm.handleMouseWheel
              Class.invokeSuper(_1=>null, _2=>"handleMouseWheel", _3=>undef, _4=>undef, _5=>undef, _6=>undef, _7=>undef, _8=>undef, _9=>undef, _10=>undef, _11=>undef, _12=>undef, _13=>undef)
              Class.Super(_1=>"handleMouseWheel", _2=>[object Arguments], _3=>undef)
              DynamicForm.handleMouseWheel(_1=>Obj, _2=>undef)
              [c]EventHandler.bubbleEvent(_1=>[DynamicForm ID:isc_XXXDynamicForm_9], _2=>"mouseWheel", _3=>undef, _4=>undef, _5=>undef)
              [c]EventHandler.handleMouseWheel(_1=>[object MouseScrollEvent])
              [c]EventHandler.handleDOMMouseScroll(_1=>[object MouseScrollEvent])
                  "return isc.EH.handleMouseWheel(_1)"
          SmartClient Version: v10.1p_2016-04-26/Pro Deployment (built 2016-04-26)


            Hi Isomorphic,

            One further follow up question.

            Is there any way in the FieldStateChangedEvent to distinguish between different types of FieldStateChangedEvents, so we can control under specific circumstances what we do in the handler?

            For example, there does not seem to be a way to distinguish between resized or reordered, or fields are shown or hidden.

            If there is a way already, please do let us know.



              There isn't currently a way to distinguish these cases, since the primary purpose of this API is just to allow you to save an updated fieldState JSON blob.

              An API for determining exactly what happened would be rather complicated, since it's possible for multiple fields to be or hidden, or resized or reordered all at once.

              Can you give us an idea of what specific cases you really need to distinguish, and why?


                We will follow up on the requirements here as soon as we can, however, the more pressing issue is the flooding warning messages as we are concerned about regression here. Just want to confirm you saw both of my follow up posts?
                Thank you.


                  On the other issue -- we know what the warnings are. They are harmless (safe to ignore) and a result of some over-zealous defensive coding on our part.
                  We've made a change to get rid of them which will hit the next nightly build (April 27 or above)

                  Isomorphic Software


                    Thank you

