I tried to set the width for a navigationPane within Splitpane. However I dont have success !! Somewhere else in the forum I found to resize the canvas which is set to the NavigationPane but this doesnt work for me.
I can see the width of the canvas and its filled with white space til the default size of navigationPane.
Thx for any hint,
Hans J
SmartGWT Power 6.0p
I tried to set the width for a navigationPane within Splitpane. However I dont have success !! Somewhere else in the forum I found to resize the canvas which is set to the NavigationPane but this doesnt work for me.
Canvas placeHolder = new Canvas(); placeHolder.setWidth(80); placeHolder.setHeight100(); splitPane.setNavigationPane(placeHolder);
Thx for any hint,
Hans J
SmartGWT Power 6.0p