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    Scrolling in DynamicForm stops abruptly when using mouse-wheel

    Hi Isomorphic,

    I am not sure if this is related to the mouse-wheel warnings the other day, however, scrolling in a DynamicForm with the mouse-wheel suddenly stops midway through several of our forms now. This issue is quite high priority for us, as we are near a cut-off, and will have to revert back to a build that doesn't incorporate some of the fixes and the enhancement you provided us recently.

    So far, it appears to be related to TextAreaItem, but not all TextAreaItem. I will provide more details as we investigate further.

    Chrome Version 50.0.2661.87 m

    The problem would appear to have started sometime after the following build, as this build works fine.

    SmartClient Version: v10.1p_2016-04-20/Pro Deployment (built 2016-04-20)

    Last edited by stonebranch2; 28 Apr 2016, 15:01. Reason: Changed "fixes" to "fixes and the enhancement".

    Hi Isomorphic,

    The wheel-scrolling appears to stop when it hits a TextAreaItem with the same value for both minHeight and height.

    If we comment out the setMinHeight(DEFAULT_HEIGHT), the wheel-scrolling no longer halts when the cursor reaches a TextAreaItem.

    Furthermore, the problem also appears with AutoFitTextAreaItem, but we aren't setting both the minHeight and height on those.



      For reference, the problem appears to be related to changes made for the following forum post.

      Last edited by stonebranch2; 28 Apr 2016, 15:03.


        Thanks for the notification.
        This was indeed related to the thread you linked to and the recent warnings about scrollWheel events.

        The framework change was intended to fix a problem whereby when scrolling a TextAreaItem using the mousewheel, the form itself, or any scrollable parent would *also* scroll.
        Our original implementation missed some cases, resulting in the problems you're describing here. We've made a change to resolve this and applied it to the 9.1p (SGWT 4.1p), 10.1p (SGWT 5.1p), 11.0p (SGWT 6.0p) and 11.1d (SGWT 6.1d) branches.

        Please try the next nightly build, dated April 30 or above.

        Isomorphic Software

        EDIT: The changes to address this will not be present in the April 29 build - they should be present the subsequent nightly build (April 30)
        We apologize for the confusion here.
        Last edited by Isomorphic; 28 Apr 2016, 16:32.


          Hi Isomorphic,

          We think we have a way to avoid the problem for both the TextAreaItem and the AutoFitTextAreaItem now. We will be running our own regression on these changes, however, in the meantime, we would still like to know if the issue gets resolved in case our changes don't pass regression.



            Looks like we were providing an update at the same time.

            Thank you for the quick follow up.


