Hi Isomorphic,
is it possible to have "disabled DynamicForm", but that the user can select and copy text?
Although I use "setCanSelectText(true)", I can't select and copy the text. That's first DF on this foto:
For other two cases with the same properties, I can select and copy text but I can't use those two cases in my app.
If I use "ReadOnlyDisplay:READONLY", then it looks that user can edit forms and because I have a lot of forms, that would be confuzing for users. So I can't use this solution.
If I use "ReadOnlyDisplay:STATIC",that's also bad solution because forms should always look the same, when user can or can not edit it. And if I use FormItemIcon, the position of it changes:
(Left is STATIC, right is DISABLED)
This is bug definitly but not important for me.
I just need that with "ReadOnlyDisplay:DISABLED" and "CanSelectText:true" user can select and copy the text.
Best regards
is it possible to have "disabled DynamicForm", but that the user can select and copy text?
DynamicForm dF = new DynamicForm() { { setCanEdit(false); setDataSource("animals"); setReadOnlyDisplay(ReadOnlyDisplayAppearance.DISABLED); setCanSelectText(true); TextItem ti = new TextItem("commonName"); setFields(ti); fetchData(new AdvancedCriteria(new Criterion("commonName", OperatorId.STARTS_WITH, "El"))); } };
For other two cases with the same properties, I can select and copy text but I can't use those two cases in my app.
If I use "ReadOnlyDisplay:READONLY", then it looks that user can edit forms and because I have a lot of forms, that would be confuzing for users. So I can't use this solution.
If I use "ReadOnlyDisplay:STATIC",that's also bad solution because forms should always look the same, when user can or can not edit it. And if I use FormItemIcon, the position of it changes:
(Left is STATIC, right is DISABLED)
This is bug definitly but not important for me.
I just need that with "ReadOnlyDisplay:DISABLED" and "CanSelectText:true" user can select and copy the text.
Best regards