Hi everyone,
I ran into strange behavior when using Home/End/PgUp/PgDown keys inside TextItem on different browsers when page is large enough to have scrollbar visible.
On Firefox by clicking any of the previously mentioned keys the page gets scrolled also no matter the position of caret.
On other browsers the behavior changes depending on position of caret, e.g.: if caret is at the end of the input box, then clicking End/PgDown scrolls the page, however if caret is not at the end of the input box, then only the caret moves depending on used key but page does not get scrolled.
You can test yourself on https://www.smartclient.com/smartcli.../?id=helloForm if you copy the text item several times so that the page can be scrolled.
IMO the behavior on other browsers is the expected one. My problem is, how to force SmartClient on Firefox to behave in same matter.
So far I have tried to implement my own
for above mentioned keys but i can't do it properly, because their behavior is dependent not only on selection but also on caret position WITHIN the selection (meaning if caret is at the start or end of the selected text). Using
to stop propagation of the key down event into parent objects did not work either because it prevented executing the key action too.
Thank you in advance for any advice.
I ran into strange behavior when using Home/End/PgUp/PgDown keys inside TextItem on different browsers when page is large enough to have scrollbar visible.
On Firefox by clicking any of the previously mentioned keys the page gets scrolled also no matter the position of caret.
On other browsers the behavior changes depending on position of caret, e.g.: if caret is at the end of the input box, then clicking End/PgDown scrolls the page, however if caret is not at the end of the input box, then only the caret moves depending on used key but page does not get scrolled.
You can test yourself on https://www.smartclient.com/smartcli.../?id=helloForm if you copy the text item several times so that the page can be scrolled.
IMO the behavior on other browsers is the expected one. My problem is, how to force SmartClient on Firefox to behave in same matter.
So far I have tried to implement my own
Thank you in advance for any advice.