Your post has been moved to it's own thread. Please do not hijack threads, where you posted was 100% unrelated to your question. Also, wrong forum (you posted in the SmartClient forum but you are asking a SmartGWT question).
Yes, this is pretty straightforward to achieve. You probably want to use a TileLayout full of ImgButtons for the pop-up menu. Create it on click, and use showClickMask() so that you can intercept clicks outside of the menu and dismiss it.
hello, this is how I have tried to do it but just pops the window in the middle of the screen. What could I be doing wrong? is it possible for me to use the menu class instead of a window modal? Thank you.
The display you want looks nothing like a normal menu. While Menu is so flexible that you could actually cram all this functionality into a menu via embedded components, that's a more difficult path.
We're not sure why you're using Window, we said TileLayout. You do need to place the TileLayout - utility methods such as placeNear() and showNextTo() can help you with this.