Hello. My problem: I have a Google MapWidget. That i have in a Hlayout. I want to resize it when browser changes size. But, i can only make it expand and collapse from the initial width/height. If becomes larger, the layout&map expands, if it then shrinks it shrinks until it has the initial size upon page load, then it stays that way.
If i don't add the mapwidget as a child in the layout, it expands and shrinks as expected. But if i add the mapwidget, i stop getting resize calls whenever the layout becomes smaller than initial.
(as you can see i'm calling addChild, but i couldn't see any difference with addMember)
I am hoping that someone has an idea as to how i can fix this. My class below:
If i don't add the mapwidget as a child in the layout, it expands and shrinks as expected. But if i add the mapwidget, i stop getting resize calls whenever the layout becomes smaller than initial.
(as you can see i'm calling addChild, but i couldn't see any difference with addMember)
I am hoping that someone has an idea as to how i can fix this. My class below:
public class MapLayout extends HLayout { protected MapWidget map; ........ public MapLayout(final String mapId, String circleFillColour, double circleOpacity, MapOptions options) { setID(mapId); //we want to make sure that the map always takes up the entire layout, since it doesn't scale automatically. addResizedHandler(e -> { map.setPixelSize(getWidth(), getHeight()); map.triggerResize(); }); //i have tried lots of different variants here, which hasn't made it work. setMinWidth(50); setMinHeight(50); setWidth100(); setHeight100(); setBorder("3px solid blue"); setMargin(0); setPadding(0); setMembersMargin(0); this.circleFillColour = circleFillColour; this.circleOpacity = circleOpacity; map = createMap((options != null ? options : MapConstants.getDefaultOptions())); map.setWidth("100%"); map.setHeight("100%"); setCenter(MapConstants.DEFAULT_LAT, MapConstants.DEFAULT_LON); addChild(map); }