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    No longer seeing styling for calMonthDayBodyDisabled relating to disableWeekends/weekendDays

    Hi Isomorphic,

    We are no longer seeing the calMonthDayBody Disabled styling for disableWeekends/weekendDays configuration in the Calendar. It doesn't look like the class attribute is being set accordingly anymore.

    Did something change around this? We haven't had a chance to put together a standalone test case yet, but can do so if this behavior change isn't immediately evident to you.

    SmartClient Version: v12.1p_2022-01-29/Pro Deployment (built 2022-01-29)
    SmartClient Version: v12.1p_2020-09-29/Pro Deployment (built 2020-09-29)


    Thanks for the report - the issue with disabled weekend styling in the MonthView is fixed for builds dated March 29 and later.

    Note that some other styling fixes/refinements have been made for CalendarViews over the last few months, so you'll see those too when you update.


      Thank you for the update.

      Out of curiosity, is there a simple workaround for this one until we can upgrade the build?



        Disabled styling is back, thank you.

        We are seeing a scrollbar now for the Calendar when a specific day hits the maximum number of events that can fit before the more events kicks in.

        Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2022-03-29 124339.png
Views:	128
Size:	2.7 KB
ID:	267676


          The scrollbar behavior looks to be introduced sometime after SmartClient Version: v12.1p_2020-09-29/Pro Deployment (built 2020-09-29).


            In our case, it is allowing one more event before the more events kicks in.


              We see the problem - the logic that figures out how many lines of content can fit in a given cell-height was measuring using the css style for the grid cell, rather than the one for the links it shows; so the content could overflow the cell by a few pixels at some Calendar sizes.

              It's been fixed for tomorrow's builds, dated March 30 or later.


                Thank you, will give it a try tomorrow.


                  At one point in time, the weekdays styling showed up in the date chooser.

                  Now, we don't see that behavior, and there seems to be a difference between Stratus and Obsidian.

                  Can you confirm the expectations here?


                  Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2022-03-29 142044.png
Views:	129
Size:	20.1 KB
ID:	267682

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2022-03-29 142357.png
Views:	128
Size:	22.1 KB
ID:	267683


                    Originally posted by Isomorphic View Post
                    We see the problem - the logic that figures out how many lines of content can fit in a given cell-height was measuring using the css style for the grid cell, rather than the one for the links it shows; so the content could overflow the cell by a few pixels at some Calendar sizes.

                    It's been fixed for tomorrow's builds, dated March 30 or later.
                    Scrollbar is now gone for this particular Calendar. Thanks.


                      Well, this is curious - on your question about styling weekend days in the DateChooser - older skins did do this, but it looks like Tahoe and friends never have, aside Stratus, which didn't when it first arrived in 12..0, but has since 12.1.

                      The issue here appears to be quite an old change, which corrected the name of the style used for weekends - we'll look into it and fix things up.


                        Thank you


                          hi stonebranch2

                          It turns out that Tahoe, Stratus and Obsidian intentionally lacked different styles for DateChooser weekend cells. However, since none of the other skins take this approach, we've added appropriate DateChooser weekend styles to those skins, and you can switch them on/off with new flag DateChooser.styleWeekends.

                          You can try out the change in tomorrow's builds, dated April 7 and later.


                            Thank you, we will give it a try.


                              Hi Isomorphic,

                              There still appears to be some odd behavior if the weekdays are not standard.

                              For example, see below.

                              Stratus looks OK when weekdays are Mon through Fri.

                              Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2022-04-19 134851.png
Views:	121
Size:	64.4 KB
ID:	267908

                              However, if we remove Wednesday as a weekday, we see the date chooser does not match the Calendar.

                              Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2022-04-19 135028.png
Views:	93
Size:	81.6 KB
ID:	267909

                              Finally, in the Obsidian theme, we don't see any styling at all in the date chooser, only in the Calendar.

                              Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2022-04-19 135649.png
Views:	91
Size:	60.6 KB
ID:	267910

                              Let us know if you need a standalone case for this.


