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    12.1p: summaryRow request uses wrong client side criteria

    Hi Isomorphic,

    retesting this issue I found an other bug with summaryRow, where the client side request uses the wrong criteria (using v12.1p_2023-07-13).
    Please see the sample from #1 in the other thread and do the following steps:
    • Check the first three boxes "Group at start?", "Less than 1000 records?", "Aggregate?" and click "Open window"
    • You'll see two DSRequests in the Developer Console RPC Tab (OK)
    • Change <= Criteria for "Item" from "D" to "F" and hit Enter
    • You' ll see four DSRequests in the Developer Console RPC Tab (OK, as you explained in the other thread)
    • Change <= Criteria for "Item" from "F" to "B" and hit Enter
    • You' ll see two DSRequests in the Developer Console RPC Tab (OK), but the data request has criteria "B" (OK) and the aggregation request has the old criteria "F" (unexpected and wrong). As result, the values in the summaryRow are wrong.
    Best regards

    What you observed in the last bullet was not actually a framework error, as client-side filtering is enabled by default for the summary row, and your "B" criteria is actually a restricted (narrowed) version of your "F" criteria, allowing client-side filtering. So skipping the server request wasn't an error.

    However, we recognize that custom SQL or operation bindings may often be used for summary rows, so we've now disabled client-side filtering by default for the summary row. We also optimized the summary row fetch in this case to avoid sending multiple requests, so that only the request with the current criteria gets sent to the server.

    This has been fixed back to SGWT 6.1p/SC 11.1p in the nightly builds dated 2023-07-20 and beyond.


      Hi Isomorphic,

      I understand. Perhaps it's an idea to recognize server side if an operationBinding is using <groupBy> and then set isAggregate="true" or similar on it in DataSourceLoader, so that the client side can automatically disable client side filtering here?

      Regarding the issue itself: It seems to work now (v12.1p_2023-07-22), although some constellations end in too many requests IMHO and I also found one bug. I'll create another thread for this.

      Thank you & Best regards


        Hi Isomorphic,

        this is the new thread.

        Best regards

