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  • Isomorphic
    Yup. Note that it was all lossless compression.

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  • stonebranch2
    Ah yes, correct, I assumed which files were on the left and the right side of the compare tool incorrectly; indeed they shrank not increased :).

    Thank you!

    We upgraded from "v12.1p_2023-04-07/Pro Deployment (built 2023-04-07)" to "v12.1p_2023-10-21/Pro Deployment (built 2023-10-21)" and I just wanted to confirm that I was indeed accurately detecting that many of the image files had changed in size.

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  • Isomorphic
    No, it's quite the reverse - we ran image optimizers, and consolidated many duplicate images (such as Showcase thumbnails, of which there were separate copies per skin).

    If you seem to be seeing larger sizes, you might have done something like copied a more recent version of the skin over an older one, so now you have extra copies lying around.

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  • stonebranch2
    started a topic 12.1p Skin images

    12.1p Skin images

    Hi Isomorphic,

    Out of curiosity, did the skin images increase in file size at some point in the 12.1p pro builds?
