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    ValuesManager.valuesHaveChanged and nested arrays with dates

    SmartGWT 4p nightly; SmartClient Version: v9.0p_2014-01-01/LGPL Development Only (built 2014-01-01)
    Chromium Version 31.0.1650.63 Ubuntu 12.04 (31.0.1650.63-0ubuntu0.12.04.1~20131204.1)

    I have a data source that contains an array of nested objects that contain dates.


    {id: 1,
     name: "parentObject",
     items: [{id: 1, name: "nested", effectiveDate=Mon Jan 20 12:00:00 GMT-500 2014},
             {id: 2, name: "another nested object", effectiveDate=Mon Jan 20 12:00:00 GMT-500 2014}]}
    Calls to ValuesManager.valuesHaveChanged() always returns true, even if no changes were made. I tracked down the cause to the following in ISC_Forms.js:

    compareValues : function (value1, value2) {
        if (value1 == value2) return true;
        if (isc.isA.Date(value1) && isc.isA.Date(value2))
            return (Date.compareDates(value1, value2) == 0);
        else if (isc.isAn.Array(value1) && isc.isAn.Array(value2)) {
            if (value1.length != value2.length) return false;
            for (var i = 0; i < value1.length; i++) {
                if (!isc.DynamicForm.compareValues(value1[i], value2[i])) return false;
            return true;
        } else {
            // handle having values set to Number, String etc instance
            // IE var foo = new Number(2); rather than just var foo = 2;
            // This returns true for isA.Object()
            if (isc.isA.Number(value1) || isc.isA.String(value1) || isc.isA.Boolean(value1)) {
                value1 = value1.valueOf();
            if (isc.isA.Number(value2) || isc.isA.String(value2) || isc.isA.Boolean(value2)) {
                value2 = value2.valueOf();
            if (value1 == value2) return true;
            if (isc.isAn.Object(value1) && isc.isAn.Object(value2)) {
                var tempObj = isc.addProperties({}, value2);
                for (var attr in value1) {
                    // We're doing a simple == comparison here - won't handle
                    // complex (Object, Date, Array) attribute values
                    if (value2[attr] != value1[attr]) return false;  <-- this line here
                    delete tempObj[attr];
                // tempObj should now be empty if they match
                for (var attr in tempObj) {
                    return false;
                return true;
        return false;
    For some reason SC only does a primitive != comparison for objects in a nested array. If I change this to the following:

                    if (!isc.DynamicForm.compareValues(value1[attr], value2[attr])) return false;
    then it appears to work correctly. Can you explain the reason for this?

    We agree that this would indeed cause problems with your usage, and it looks like it is safe to perform a recursive comparison as you suggest.
    We are enabling this in mainline - please try the next nightly build dated Jan 31 or above, 4.1d branch

    Isomorphic Software

