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    GWT is supposed to handle this automatically, but may not sometimes (we're not sure of the trigger) so we mention doing it manually at various points in the docs.

    Question is - did this fix the samples for you?



      With yesterday's downloaded snapshot, everything works except for the downloaded excel spreadsheet has an empty sheet, "Sheet0"

      Here're the combinations of architectures that I've tried. First, let me define them:

      C1: Mac OSX 10.9.2 with Safari, Chrome, Firefox
      C2: Window7 with IE9, Chrome
      S1: Mac OSX tomcat 7.0.27 w/JVM 1.7.0_51-b13
      S2: Ubuntu tomcat 6.0.37 w/JVM 1.7.0_25-b30

      I copied my analytics.jar to WEB-INF/lib. Then I added the inherit module Analytics. I re-compiled showcase per README.txt ant instructions. The build was clean.

      No matter what combination (C1 or C2) with (S1 or S2), the Basic CubeGrid example downloads an excel file with an empty Sheet0.

      Please advise.


        Just for completeness - when you saw the spreadsheet has an empty sheet0, you mean to say the sheet does not have the expected export at all, and not that it has the exported data, but *also* has an additional empty sheet. Please confirm.

        Then, as previously indicated, please try a different *network* not just a different machine. We suspect there is something in your environment that is somehow intercepting the response and throwing it away.

        Also please indicate the exact version of Excel installed on each client machine.

        Finally, just in case you are not aware - we have already tested this feature, before it was ever placed in the Showcase, with multiple server environments, multiple client environments, multiple versions of Excel and other spreadsheet software. So this is why we are looking for something very unusual about your specific environment.


          JUST FOR COMPLETENESS - Sheet0 is the label on the sheet and has empty cells. There are no additionally sheets.

          NETWORK -

          1) 1st Network: I have C1 and S1 restricted to my machine. So my client C1 does not go out on our LAN.

          2) 2nd Network: C2 and S1 does go through our LAN as (C1 or C2) and S2.

          EXCEL - for C1, I'm using Microsoft 2011 Excel. For C2, I'm using Microsoft Office 2010 Excel.

          FINALLY, JUST IN CASE...

          I'm sure of that. Would you be able to share your WAR file that you derived from your tests?
          Last edited by michaeljseo; 7 May 2014, 11:45.


            If you want a pre-built .war file you could download the Enterprise Eval, since the included showcase.war there already includes Analytics, so you don't even have the trivial steps involved in adding Analytics to the Showcase sample project from the licensed Enterprise build.

            But again we don't believe this is a server-side problem. You already shared logs showing no errors, and data seemingly leaving the server. We believe a valid response from our server code is being tossed out later on.

            Probably the next step is to watch the actual network on your machines. The seemingly easy way would be to open the Developer Tools of any of these browsers and look at the "Network" tab, but as a warning some of these tools will report nothing at all or a zero length response when the response is handled as a download or has been successfully opened by Excel (or another program). IE10's Developer Tools will not lie; another, lower-level tool that's definitive is Wireshark.


              As you have expected, the pre-built .war from Enterprise Eval produced the same results.

              I have attached NetworkData.xml from Developer Tools/Network when downloading the excel file. I had stated that I was using IE9, but it's actually IE11. The Developer Tools/Network data is from IE11.

              BTW, I'm not familiar analyzing data produced by tools such as this, so be patient with me. I would greatly appreciate if you could give me some hints as to what to look for.
              Attached Files
              Last edited by michaeljseo; 7 May 2014, 12:46.


                For IE's tools, under the Network tab, click Start Capturing then hit the Export button. You should see an entry appear, double-click that. Under the "Response body" tab IE will tell you it couldn't render the file but offer to "Save As...". Try saving that and tell us what you get (length, contents).


                  Save as...

                  - A file IDACall was saved. It's 4096 bytes long. I looked at the contents, which is binary, with emacs and it looks similar to the export.xls files that are exported. I used diff and it indicates that they are different, though.
                  - I opened the IDACall file as an excel file, and it looks like the previous downloads...a sheet named Sheet0 with empty cells.


                    What's the size of your blank .xls if you just save it (without opening it in Excel)? Correct size is 6144 bytes FYI, and 4096, being a power of 2, is very very suspicious. It sounds like a network packet size and not the natural size of an .xls document, which has no reason to align on a power of 2.

                    Given that no matter how we test this, we can't break it, and no matter how you try it, you can't make it work, it's time to think a bit more outside the box:

                    1. does Excel issue any warnings about the content of the sheet being truncated or anything like that?

                    2. is there any possibility you've just had Excel open this whole time on a blank spreadsheet, and each time you download a spreadsheet to test, it's opening, but the blank spreadsheet is still the one in the foreground so you're not seeing it?

                    3. is there any non-stock software common to your client or server machines? Anti-virus software, network utilities, etc?

                    4. do you have access to something like a "factory settings" stock WinXP, Win7 or MacOSX install that you can try out?


                      Replies to your last post:

                      1. No warnings. NOTE from my previous posts that I can use your Excel Export sample program from the same showcase and successfully download excel97 files.

                      2. Actually, I used another Windows7 client machine, let me call it C3, and had to install Office2010. I wanted to open the excel files with files from C1 (MacOSX). There's no difference.

                      3. There are no anti-virus software programs on my Mac. So Network utilities/AntiSoftware does not come into play with C1 (on my Mac) and S1 (on my Mac).

                      4. The C3 machine is stock Windows7. The Server is a stock Ubuntu machine with tomcat installed.

                      AGAIN, NOTE from my previous posts in this thread that I can use your Excel Export sample program from the same showcase and successfully download excel97 files.


                        Missed one:

                        What's the size of your blank .xls if you just save it (without opening it in Excel)?


                          Sorry...the files have been 4096. This has been consistent no matter what combination of client and server.

                          Oh. I can successfully open the excel97 downloaded files and see the data in the spreadsheet from your Excel Export example.


                            Can you also go into log4.isc.config.xml, remove all the settings that tone down logging for categories under com.isomorphic, and rerun the export from your Enterprise edition Showcase (where you installed Analytics).

                            Also, please try disabling the CompressionFilter in web.xml (just a shot in the dark).


                              On the file size, how are you looking at it? In Win7 for instance, if you look at file properties, you'll see "Size" vs "Size on Disk". "Size on Disk" is based on filesystem cluster size and would be expected to be a power of 2.


                                Windows7: I used Explorer that indicates 4KB

                                MacOSX: I used "ls -l"

                                BTW, why do you the Excel Export work vs Basic Cube Grid not working?

                                I'll get the log output with compression turned off tomorrow.

