If I have a FilterBuilder or more appropriately, an AdvancedCriteria that contains Relative Dates and/or DateTimes like "Current day of last week" or "N days ago - 5" or "Today" but I would like to have that criteria evaluated/resolved not on the actual date as of now but to specify a date for "now/Today" from which the criteria would be resolved?
So for example if I evaluated the criteria right now it would all be resolved based on Aug 5th, 2014 at the current time, but I want to have the criteria resolved as if "now" was say Aug 1st, 2014.
Any way to accomplish this?
So for example if I evaluated the criteria right now it would all be resolved based on Aug 5th, 2014 at the current time, but I want to have the criteria resolved as if "now" was say Aug 1st, 2014.
Any way to accomplish this?