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    Bar FacetChart and Gradation Label

    Can you please suggest a way to hide the gradation label in such a way that it does not take up any space? Specifically, I want the whitespace between the value axis and the value axis label to shrink when I hide the gradation label.
    SmartClient Version: v9.1p_2014-08-11/Pro Deployment (built 2014-08-11)

    What is your approach to hide the gradation label? If you are doing something like defining an AxisFormatter that returns a blank, you should already see the space shrinking. To shrink further, you could reduce the chartRectMargin.


      I am simply setting the opacity to 0 to hide the gradation label, which I assume would not shrink the space, but simply hide the labels. I didn't see any additional properties on the DrawLabel to control the height.

      DrawLabel labelProperties = new DrawLabel();
      Using an AxisFormatter to return "" didn't appear to reduce the whitespace any further (and actually seemed to impact the rendering of the largest bar and its data value position, which I didn't like), and unfortunately, changing chartRectMargin only seemed to have a minimal impact on the whitespace, and had an impact on my other axis which I did not want.



        Using the AxisFormatter should have worked - you should try making the labels visible again to make sure your AxisFormatter is actually working and making them blank. Let us know if you are definitely seeing the AxisFormatter take effect yet still don't see a reduction in space.

        Another approach is to use gradiationLabelProperties and set a very small font size.

