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    Have you read the codehaus gwt plugin documentation? Perhaps you should understand how the codehaus gwt plugin works and simply include the SmartGWT jars as a dependency. There's no special setup specific to SmartGWT that is required for it to be used in the codehaus gwt plugin. If you are having trouble getting the codehaus gwt plugin to work, try posting on their discussion forum.

    btw these 5 pages of posts are related to the gwt-maven project, and not the codehaus gwt plugin. If you're successful getting the codehaus gwt plugin to work, feel free to post a "How to" on it.



      Codehaus plugin


      The only reason I know about the codehaus plugin is that its mentioned in a May 7th posting in this forum, with what appears to be an announcement of it replacing the gwt-maven one. Now, as a newbie to this space, I took that on its face. As it happens, I did get it (codehaus) working, but I don't remember how, and I'm still learning the meaning of the various maven goals defined in the archetype. You're not responsible for their (codehaus) lack of documentation, but you are (Corporately) responsible for the decision that made creating an alternate maven archetype necessary.

      I'd like a single, official, preferred, supported, and documented approach for Eclipse with (my preference) or without Maven. The developer-submitted quick start guides are simply not enough. One billed itself as being for Eclipse and then went straight to using command line Ant scripts so as not to be tied to any particular IDE. While that is a perfectly valid choice, it is not "for Eclipse". Again, that's not your fault, but the reason its posted is because SmartClient Inc didn't provide one of its own.

      It does not seem unreasonable to be asking SmartClient Inc to provide some guides for the various environments you want to support that really work and are kept current. And on that topic, some actual SmartGWT documentation on this site would be good too. I've not found any here. Pleanty on SmartClient, but none on SmartGWT. It looks like I have to go back to the ExtGWT site for that.

      I can understand that SmartGWT is a new arrival in the SmartClient family tree and may therefore not have the same "importance" to the company, or the same level of committed resources, but I think that fact is hurting the project (and in the long term will cost the company money).

      Please know that my comments are really about that assessment and not a criticism of your work. As I understand it, they initiated the conversation that brought you over to them. Good. It does seem like a great pairing. Please (continue to) do what you can to get additional resources for documentation and online training/quick start/demo materials. Developers like me are counting on you to succeed at that.



        We'll include a "Hello World" project that uses the codehaus gwt maven plugin for the next release. It will arrive in SVN sooner. However please note that the codehaus gwt maven plugin project structure does not play well with the Google Eclipse Plugin (GEP) due to incompatibilities in the project structure used by the gwt maven plugin. Hopefully GEP and the codehaus plugin get to work with each other soon.


          Note that the next sticky thread in the forums, titled "SmartGWT Documentation", is where to go for SmartGWT documentation (all hosted at


            Sticky Thread in the forum...

            Yes, that is exactly my point. SmartClient documentation, tutorials, etc are main links on the web site with pretty icons and hard to miss, but to find SmartGWT documentation I have to magically know to go two levels deep in a forum. And at that, I have to be registered and logged in to see it!

            Please Isomorphic peoples, please start treating SmartGWT like a first class product and give it the same (dare I say "separate but equal") treatment you give to SmartClient.



              problem of running first

              I followed with "Setting up Eclipse & Maven2", but run failed,the console info is :
              [INFO] Scanning for projects...
              [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
              [INFO] Building gwt-maven-archetype-project
              [INFO] Id: com.acme:helloworld:war:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
              [INFO] task-segment: [gwt-maven:gwt]
              [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
              [INFO] [statemgmt:start-fork]
              [INFO] Starting forked execution [fork id: 329443457]
              [INFO] [resources:resources]
              [INFO] Using default encoding to copy filtered resources.
              [INFO] [compiler:compile]
              [INFO] Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date
              [INFO] [dependency:unpack]
              [INFO] Configured Artifact:
              [INFO] Unpacking C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\.m2\repository\com\google\gwt\gwt-dev\1.5.3\gwt-dev-1.5.3-windows-libs.zipto
              with Includes null and excludes:null
              [INFO] [gwt-maven:compile]
              [INFO] establishing classpath list (buildClaspathList - scope = COMPILE)
              [INFO] google.webtoolkit.home (gwtHome) *not* set, using project POM for GWT dependencies
              Compiling module com.acme.helloworld.Application
              Compilation succeeded
              Linking compilation into D:\workspace\helloworld\target\helloworld-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT\com.acme.helloworld.Application
              [INFO] [resources:testResources]
              [INFO] Using default encoding to copy filtered resources.
              [INFO] [compiler:testCompile]
              [INFO] Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date
              [INFO] [surefire:test]
              [INFO] Surefire report directory: D:\workspace\helloworld\target\surefire-reports

              T E S T S
              Running com.acme.helloworld.AStandardNonGwtTest
              Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.047 sec

              Results :

              Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0

              [INFO] [gwt-maven:test]
              [INFO] source web.xml present - D:\workspace\helloworld\src\main\webapp\WEB-INF\web.xml - using it with embedded Tomcat
              [INFO] running GWTTestCase tests (using test name filter - GwtTest*)
              [INFO] establishing classpath list (buildClaspathList - scope = TEST)
              [INFO] google.webtoolkit.home (gwtHome) *not* set, using project POM for GWT dependencies
              [INFO] com.acme.helloworld.client.GwtTestExampleA completed, GWTTestCase result: Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 1
              [INFO] all tests completed - ran 1 tests - see results in target/gwtTest

              The following mojo encountered an error while executing:
              Group-Id: com.totsp.gwt
              Artifact-Id: maven-googlewebtoolkit2-plugin
              Version: 2.0-RC1
              Mojo: test
              brought in via: POM

              While building project:
              Group-Id: com.acme
              Artifact-Id: helloworld
              Version: 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
              From file: D:\workspace\helloworld\pom.xml
              Reason: There were GWTTestCase test failures - see results in target/gwtTest

              [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
              [INFO] For more information, run with the -e flag
              [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
              [INFO] BUILD FAILED
              [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
              [INFO] Total time: 54 seconds
              [INFO] Finished at: Thu Aug 13 20:02:56 GMT+08:00 2009
              [INFO] Final Memory: 4M/18M
              [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
              so for help,thank you!


                Strange Display

                I followed the "Setting up Eclipse & Maven2" guide, and I tried to run one of the examples of smartGWT showcase. Everything work, but theire are strage display bugs as you can see on the attached picture.

                When I tried to run the helloworld as in the guide, the dialog box wasn't well displayed too.

                I tried to run the script with different version of smartGWT and different version of GWT, but it is allways the same thing.

                I tried to run the same script with netBeans and the GWT4NB plugin, and I don't have the same problem, but I prefer to work with Eclipse.

                Any Idea ?


                Attached Files


                  verified and working

                  i got my first hello world running with this howto.



                    Link down?

                    Hi nlotz,

                    The link to your HowTo page is coming up with a 404.


                      Originally posted by kadams
                      The link to your HowTo page is coming up with a 404.
                      Sorry - I had to setup the server from scratch for another project. I'm not sure if I have a backup of the wiki, but I'll have a look...

                      It's not the lastest version, but maybe it helps:

                      [edit: added link]
                      Last edited by nlotz; 23 Sep 2009, 02:35.


                        I found this : Most of the content seems there with the exception of the screenshots.

                        edit : nikolas beat me to this..


                          Thanks both!


                            Setting up Eclipse & Maven2 this link don't work


                              Incorrect displaying pictures

                              Originally posted by Gog0
                              When I tried to run the helloworld as in the guide, the dialog box wasn't well displayed too.
                              As Gog0, I have the same problem (see attachment). However, I am using Netbeans with gwt-maven. It means that something wrong is with maven?

                              Any suggestion would be helpful.

                              Attached Files


                                Originally posted by bewator
                                As Gog0, I have the same problem (see attachment). However, I am using Netbeans with gwt-maven. It means that something wrong is with maven?
                                Looks like there are conflicting CSS definitions. Try removing all references to custom style sheets.

