Have you read the codehaus gwt plugin documentation? Perhaps you should understand how the codehaus gwt plugin works and simply include the SmartGWT jars as a dependency. There's no special setup specific to SmartGWT that is required for it to be used in the codehaus gwt plugin. If you are having trouble getting the codehaus gwt plugin to work, try posting on their discussion forum.
btw these 5 pages of posts are related to the gwt-maven project, and not the codehaus gwt plugin. If you're successful getting the codehaus gwt plugin to work, feel free to post a "How to" on it.
btw these 5 pages of posts are related to the gwt-maven project, and not the codehaus gwt plugin. If you're successful getting the codehaus gwt plugin to work, feel free to post a "How to" on it.