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    Group by and paging possible?

    Is is possible to group by a field an apply paging? I've tried it and it starts preloading all pages. I think in theory it should be possible to do without this preloading.

    Any help appreciated!

    If you want an interface similar to grouping but using larger datasets, consider a load on demand TreeGrid. If you'd like support for larger datasets just implented as an automatic part of the grouping behavior, consider Feature Sponsorship.


      Okay, a tree seems like a good thing, but then I wander how to do this. My situation is that I have a table with products and a table with prices for products for a certain supplier (and additional fields). So two tables "products" and "prices".

      I want to show the product's name as a tree leaf and when the user click's the open icon, I would like to show the prices for the product underneath.


        Let's make my question more general, without really asking for a solution. I just want to know if it can be done with SmartClient and if so, using default components or do I need some sort of (external) plug-in.

        The real-life example would still be the products and the prices per supplier per date. So what I want is a TreeGrid with first all product names (preferably pageable, so 30 per page). On each line I want the cheapiest prices, which in SQL would be something like:

        SELECT, MIN(prices.value) AS cheapest_price
        FROM products
        LEFT JOIN prices ON prices.product_id =
        GROUP BY
        I then want to be able to click the "Open Folder"-icon for a product and group by date. And for that date again the cheapest price. Finally, I want to be able to click the "Open Folder"-icon for a date and show each individual price.

        I use the 7.0.2 version of SmartClient (not GWT).
        Last edited by wallytax; 2 Jun 2010, 21:20.


          Take a look at the Tree Databinding overview - the tree sends the of the parent node when asking for children. But you can put whatever you want in the property, eg, a string like productId=3, which the server would use to fetch prices for that product.


            Hi Isomorphic,

            Can we use Grouping and Pagination in ListGrid?
            If yes, please suggest how to achieve this.

