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    Bug or expected behaviour?

    Hi Isomorphic,

    I've just downloaded the latest nightly (8.0 LGPL 2011-02-07) and discovered some behaviour that could be a bug relating to a ListGrid.

    If I set 'listEndEditAction' to 'done' and at the same time have 'validateOnChange' set to true then validation does not kick in on changed values.

    If I remove the listEndEditAction from the initialisation of my ListGrid then validation does kick in.

    I've tested this against a simple ListGrid where I have a text item that should be a number (defined by XSD). All other items in the list grid are read-only except for one checkbox.

    It is not affecting me since I'm prototyping at the moment and can work around it but I thought I'd let you know. I checked the documentation for both properties and there's no mention that validation is affected by the listEndEditAction property.
    Last edited by jaredm; 7 Feb 2011, 17:26.

    The listEndEditAction should not have an impact on validateOnChange behavior.
    We're not reproducing this in a simple test. If you modifying this feature explorer example:


    to have validateByCell set to true and listEndEditAction set to "done", then enter ("a") into the population field it correctly flags this as a validation error.

    If you could show us a test case that we can use to reproduce the issue, we'll be happy to take a look


      Thanks, I'm suffering from long days right at the moment but it's on my todo list to take a closer look and try isolate what causes it.

