I'm trying to retreive data from an Excel spreadsheet, which is successful, as usual. However, my sendKeys event is not producing the correct results:
driver.sendKeys(scenariopricetarget, Keys.TAB);
...does not update the tab position as expected.
(scenariopricetarget is an scLocator string defined by the following, if it helps:
By scenariopricetarget = ByScLocator.scLocator(
+ "[assetScenarioID=11819||0]/col[fieldName=priceTarget||1]");
driver.sendKeys(scenariopricetarget, Keys.TAB);
...does not update the tab position as expected.
(scenariopricetarget is an scLocator string defined by the following, if it helps:
By scenariopricetarget = ByScLocator.scLocator(
+ "[assetScenarioID=11819||0]/col[fieldName=priceTarget||1]");