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    Not able to Update text box value

    I'm trying to retreive data from an Excel spreadsheet, which is successful, as usual. However, my sendKeys event is not producing the correct results:

    driver.sendKeys(scenariopricetarget, Keys.TAB);

    ...does not update the tab position as expected.

    (scenariopricetarget is an scLocator string defined by the following, if it helps:

    By scenariopricetarget = ByScLocator.scLocator(
    + "[assetScenarioID=11819||0]/col[fieldName=priceTarget||1]");
    Last edited by pkothari; 16 Nov 2015, 07:42.

    We have a developer taking a look at this and will follow up when we have more information for you.

    Just to clarify (mainly for anyone else who encounters this thread and is confused) - the problem under discussion here is handling of Tab keypress events in automated test-case playback using WebDriver.

    Isomorphic Software


      Is their any update for my TAB Issue?


        We see the problem and have a tentative solution but it isn't finalized. We'll follow up when we have a complete fix for you.

        Isomorphic Software


          After digging deeper, we don't believe there's any issue here with our Framework, though we do see an issue that WebDriver appears to have with Firefox 42 and Firefox 38 ESR that results in focus going into the address bar when WebDriver launches a new browser. When this happens, sendKeys() doesn't direct the input to the right DOM element. However, we need to know more about your situation to know whether this might be the issue you're hitting:

          -You need to provide the complete version info for the release that you're using - including both the branch (e.g. SC 10.0p) and date stamp. If you're not using the latest patch build for your branch, please update to it - it may solve your issue.
          - Please provide the complete WebDriver Java code we need to run to reproduce the issue, and either the SC code for the target page, or a public URL where it can be accessed.
          - What browser and OS are you using?

          Our testing was done with the SmartClient Feature Explorer page:
          - Our WebDriver test first opens the page, and clicks on the text1 cell in column B.
          - After calling waitForElementClickable() with the proper locator, we call sendKeys() passing that locator and Keys.TAB
          - This causes the selected cell to properly move right to the cell to the right of text1
          Perhaps you can use this same Feature Explorer sample to create a WebDriver test that reproduces your issue for us?

          To see whether your issue is related to the focus problem I mentioned above:
          - Start your WebDriver test in Eclipse, with a breakpoint set at the first command after WebDriver.get()
          - When the breakpoint is hit, manually click on the space immediately outside the ListGrid you're working with. This should move focus out of the Firefox address bar and into the SmartClient page proper.
          - Hit continue in Eclipse to resume the WebDriver test. if it behaves properly, then you were suffering from the focus issue.
          Last edited by Isomorphic; 7 Dec 2015, 16:17.

