I upgraded to new version of SmartClient(SNAPSHOT_v8.3d_2012-10-02/LGPL Deployment). And now I have problem with ListGrid because unwanted scrollbar is visible. I am not sure if it is bug or only my wrong configuration. I am able to reproduce it on your exapmle "Empty grid".
Here is changed code of example:
I tested it on FF 15 and Last chrome.
Thanks for your answer.
I upgraded to new version of SmartClient(SNAPSHOT_v8.3d_2012-10-02/LGPL Deployment). And now I have problem with ListGrid because unwanted scrollbar is visible. I am not sure if it is bug or only my wrong configuration. I am able to reproduce it on your exapmle "Empty grid".
Here is changed code of example:
isc.ListGrid.create({ ID: "countryList", leaveScrollbarGap:false, width:"100%" , height:"100%" , overflow:"visible", showSortArrow:"both", fields:[ {name:"countryCode", title:"Flag", width:50, type:"image", imageURLPrefix:"flags/16/", imageURLSuffix:".png"}, {name:"countryName", title:"Country"}, {name:"capital", title:"Capital"}, {name:"continent", title:"Continent"} ], showEmptyMessage: true, emptyMessage: "<br>Click the <b>Set data</b> button to populate this grid." })
Thanks for your answer.