Hi there,
It seems when initially loading a page with smartclient-components the width on the buttons are not correct set.
This only happens when the SC-files (I assume the fonts are the problem) are not already loaded.
After hitting Ctrl+F5 (reload without cache)
Version: SmartClient_v111p_2017-07-19_Pro
Browser: Firefox 54.0.1 (32-Bit)
Skin: Tahoe
Density: Medium

This does not happen in Chrome or Internet Explorer.
Best regards
It seems when initially loading a page with smartclient-components the width on the buttons are not correct set.
This only happens when the SC-files (I assume the fonts are the problem) are not already loaded.
After hitting Ctrl+F5 (reload without cache)
Version: SmartClient_v111p_2017-07-19_Pro
Browser: Firefox 54.0.1 (32-Bit)
Skin: Tahoe
Density: Medium

This does not happen in Chrome or Internet Explorer.
Canvas.resizeControls(4); Canvas.resizeFonts(2); isc.ToolStrip.create({ "ID": "theToolstrip", "width": "100%", "members": [ isc.Button.create({ "ID": "theShortButton", "overflow": "visible", "title": "short text", "icon": "https://cdn3.iconfinder.com/data/icons/streamline-icon-set-free-pack/48/Streamline-62-16.png", }), isc.Button.create({ "ID": "theLongButton", "overflow": "visible", "title": "longer Text Example", "icon": "https://cdn3.iconfinder.com/data/icons/streamline-icon-set-free-pack/48/Streamline-62-16.png" }) ] })