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    ListGrid\TreeGrid field’s change event

    SmartClient _v111p_2017-07-03_LGPL

    The ListGrid and TreeGrid fields have a change/changed event. They appear to be identical in timing. I can call a function from this event, but are there any parameters to determine which record fired the event? The calls getCellCSSText and canEditCell make rowNum and colNum available, but not change event.

    { name: "Auditability" , title: "Audit." , width: 50, canEdit: true , type: "boolean", canToggle: true, change: function (rowNum, colNum) { VerifyCheckboxes(rowNum, colNum, this); }, }

    You can use getEditRow() / getEditCol() at any time to find out the current cell being edited.


      I am missing something here. Let me give you the specifics. I am using a TreeGrid which gets its structure from a Tree. The TreeGrid has cell editing. There is a function on the “changed” event of a Boolean (check box) field, which does get called when clicked.

      The TreeGrid (isoConfigTree ) returns undefined for isoConfigTree.getEditRow() and the function appears defined as:
      Function isc_ListGrid_getEditRow()(return this.$285)

      The getEditCol() has the same result. It returns undefined. The function appears defined as:
      Function isc_ListGrid_getEditCol()(return this.$30u)

      The variables $285 and $30u do not appear in the TreeGrid instance.


        If there's no editor showing (see ListGridField.canToggle), you can use getEventRow() and getEventColumn() instead.


          Thanks, that did the trick.

