SmartClient _v111p_2017-07-03_LGPL
The ListGrid and TreeGrid fields have a change/changed event. They appear to be identical in timing. I can call a function from this event, but are there any parameters to determine which record fired the event? The calls getCellCSSText and canEditCell make rowNum and colNum available, but not change event.
The ListGrid and TreeGrid fields have a change/changed event. They appear to be identical in timing. I can call a function from this event, but are there any parameters to determine which record fired the event? The calls getCellCSSText and canEditCell make rowNum and colNum available, but not change event.
{ name: "Auditability" , title: "Audit." , width: 50, canEdit: true , type: "boolean", canToggle: true, change: function (rowNum, colNum) { VerifyCheckboxes(rowNum, colNum, this); }, }