Hi Isomorphic,
testing this testcase with MultiComboBoxItem which might be the better editor here if my pickList is long (which it can be), I noticed some problems, that are not BatchUploader-specific, but also happen in normal ListGrids.
Please see this modified testcase (v11.1p_2018-01-07):
As you can see the edited row does not expand, which leads to a strange design. I'd think the row should expand like here the Slider Editor does
Also editing itself is hard. The text-entry field itself always looses focus automatically (I'm testing with Chromium 63.0.3239.132 / current Win 10) and the pickList opens on third click of the "open" arrow.
Entering a "null" cell again (after removing an entry and exiting the cell) shows a selected item without name, I can remove via "x"-click again.
Best regards
testing this testcase with MultiComboBoxItem which might be the better editor here if my pickList is long (which it can be), I noticed some problems, that are not BatchUploader-specific, but also happen in normal ListGrids.
Please see this modified testcase (v11.1p_2018-01-07):
isc.ListGrid.create({ ID: "countryList", width:900, height:224, alternateRecordStyles:true, cellHeight:42, wrapCells:true, dataSource: countryDS, fields:[ {name:"countryName", width:100}, {name:"government", width:175, editorType:"TextAreaItem", editorProperties:{height:40} }, {name:"population", width:100, editorType:"SpinnerItem" }, {name:"independence", width:225, editorProperties:{useTextField:false} }, {name:"continent", width:300, editorType:"MultiComboBoxItem" } ], autoFetchData: true, canEdit: true, editEvent: "click" })
Also editing itself is hard. The text-entry field itself always looses focus automatically (I'm testing with Chromium 63.0.3239.132 / current Win 10) and the pickList opens on third click of the "open" arrow.
Entering a "null" cell again (after removing an entry and exiting the cell) shows a selected item without name, I can remove via "x"-click again.
Best regards