Hi Isomorphic,
please see this testcase (v11.1p_2018-06-11) and use the two icons in the attachments of this thread (or any other SVG (also without a linked CSS). Unfortunately I can't find any two files named "x_closed.svg" and "x_opened.svg" anywhere online. Could you include SVG versions of your opener/closer-icons in the Tahoe skin, so that these testcases are easier to create in the online showcase?)
I though it is related to getCellCSSText(), and there is an additional case of this error in my application, but the root cause is already visible here.
Open the Chrome network tab when using the sample. You will see MANY (like 20) requests for a single group open/close. This does not happen with PNG-opener/closers, like the default ones.
You can also see the flicking in the video where the icons are removed for a short time.
Best regards
please see this testcase (v11.1p_2018-06-11) and use the two icons in the attachments of this thread (or any other SVG (also without a linked CSS). Unfortunately I can't find any two files named "x_closed.svg" and "x_opened.svg" anywhere online. Could you include SVG versions of your opener/closer-icons in the Tahoe skin, so that these testcases are easier to create in the online showcase?)
I though it is related to getCellCSSText(), and there is an additional case of this error in my application, but the root cause is already visible here.
Open the Chrome network tab when using the sample. You will see MANY (like 20) requests for a single group open/close. This does not happen with PNG-opener/closers, like the default ones.
You can also see the flicking in the video where the icons are removed for a short time.
isc.ListGrid.create({ ID: "countryList", width:500, height:224, alternateRecordStyles:true, canDragSelect: true, sortField: 1, data: countryData, [B]groupIcon: "pathToTheDownloadedImages/group.svg",[/B] fields:[ {name:"continent", title:"Continent"}, {name:"countryCode", title:"Flag", width:50, type:"image", imageURLPrefix:"flags/16/", imageURLSuffix:".png"}, {name:"countryName", title:"Country"}, {name:"capital", title:"Capital"}, {name:"population", title:"Population", type:"number"} ], groupByField: "continent" /* // 2nd level of the problem, not needed now getCellCSSText: function (record, rowNum, colNum) { if (this.isGroupNode(record)) { return null;//this.Super.getCellCSSText(record, rowNum, colNum); } else if (this.getFieldName(colNum) == "population") { if (record.population > 1000000000) { return "font-weight:bold; color:#d64949;"; } else if (record.population < 50000000) { return "font-weight:bold; color:#287fd6;"; } } } */ })
Best regards