I tried the build from today - the padding issues are fixed but now I have layouts that are rendering at 1px width. Let me know if you need a testcase. I'll try to isolate it.
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I've got an similar problem with forms. If the height of the form is set to 100%, it will draw its formitems so that they're using the whole height. Which means that there is too much space between them.
Here is the code which shows that behaviour.
By the way, i'm using html doctype 5 and v8.3p_2013-01-23/Pro Deployment
Code:isc.VLayout.create({ height: 300, width: 600, members: [ isc.DynamicForm.create({ ID: "form", height: "100%", fields: [ {name: "field1", type: "select", objects: ['aa', 'bb']}, {name: "field2", type: "text"}, ], values: {"field1": "aa"} }) ] });
SmartClient 8.2p 01-23-2013 build
While trying to reproduce another FF18 issue, I was able to reproduce the last issue I mentioned. I ran this testcase with the datasource in isomorphic/system/reference/SmartClient_Explorer.html#nodeTitles
If you run the testcase, you'll see that 'innerLayout' height is expanded beyond what the dynamic form takes up.
Code:isc.ClassFactory.defineClass("CwMenuItem", "CanvasItem"); isc.CwMenuItem.addProperties({ init:function () { var canvasProperties = { ID: this.widgetID, title: this.menuTitle, name: this.name, canFocus: this.canFocus, shouldSaveValue: false, $cwname: this.$cwname, showDown: this.showDown, showFocused: this.showFocused, showEmptyMessage: false, showRollOver: this.showRollOver, labelVar: this.labelVar, iconVar: this.iconVar, iconWidth: this.iconWidth, iconHeight: this.iconHeight, align: this.menuAlign, showMenuButtonImage: this.showMenuButtonImage, showMenuBelow: true, $cwmethod: this.$cwmethod, click: this.cwClick, auditor: this.auditor, menu: this.menu, prompt: this.prompt, form: this.form, visibility: this.visibility, $cwValidate: this.$cwValidate, hide: function(){ this.parentElement.hideItem(this.name); // this.Super("hide", null); } }; if (this.width != null) canvasProperties.width = this.width; if (this.height != null) canvasProperties.height = this.height; if (this.tabIndex == -1) canvasProperties.tabIndex = -1; if (this.accessKey != null) canvasProperties.accessKey = this.accessKey; if (this.hiliteAccessKey != null) canvasProperties.hiliteAccessKey = this.hiliteAccessKey; if (this.keyTitle != null) canvasProperties.keyTitle = this.keyTitle; if (this.autoFit != null) { canvasProperties.autoFit = this.autoFit; if (this.autoFit == true) canvasProperties.overflow = "visible"; } if (this.iconOnRight != null) canvasProperties.iconOnRight = this.iconOnRight; if (this.hoverStyle != null) canvasProperties.hoverStyle = this.hoverStyle; if (this.hoverWidth != null) canvasProperties.hoverWidth = this.hoverWidth; if (this.customStyle != null) canvasProperties.customStyle = this.customStyle; if (this.baseStyle != null) canvasProperties.baseStyle = this.baseStyle; this.canvas = isc.MenuButton.create(canvasProperties); return this.Super("init", arguments); } }); isc.ClassFactory.defineClass("CwDynamicFormExtend", "DynamicForm"); isc.CwDynamicFormExtend.addProperties({ setItems: function(itemList){ if(this.$cwCellBorderStyle!=null){ var i = 0; var length = itemList.length; for(i=0;i<length;i++){ var currentField = itemList.get(i); var currentCellStyle = currentField.cellStyle; if(currentCellStyle=="formCell" || currentCellStyle == null){ currentField.cellStyle = this.$cwCellBorderStyle; } } } this.Super("setItems", [itemList]); }, showContextMenu: function() { var item = this.getFocusItem(); if (item != null && item.cwDisablePaste) return false; return this.Super("showContextMenu", arguments); }, titleSuffix:" ", rightTitlePrefix:" ", requiredTitleSuffix: "*</B>", requiredRightTitleSuffix: "*</B>", requiredRightTitlePrefix: "<B> " }); isc.VLayout.create({ ID:"outerLayout", autoDraw: true, height: "100%", members:[] }) isc.Button.create({ left: 500,title: "create and show", click: function(){ isc.TreeGrid.create({ ID: "employeeTree", width: 500, height: 400, dataSource: "employees", autoFetchData:true, nodeIcon:"icons/16/person.png", folderIcon:"icons/16/person.png", showOpenIcons:false, showDropIcons:false, closedIconSuffix:"", fields: [ {name: "Name", formatCellValue: "record.Job+': '+value"} ] }); isc.VLayout.create({ ID:"innerLayout", members:[ isc.CwDynamicFormExtend.create({ ID:"menuForm", fields: [ {_constructor:"CwMenuItem", title:"Hide Menu", name: "hideMenu"} ] }) ] }); outerLayout.addMember(innerLayout); outerLayout.addMember(employeeTree); } })
Are there any news about the issue, which i've reported yesterday?
In our published version we're still using a smartclient version which contains the ff18 button bug. Since then we're waiting for a version, which does not have any issues that affect our product.
The current issue is the last show stopper we've got, so we would appreciate it if you could fix this issue asap.
If you have a look at the screenshot you'll see the result of the formitem stretching
Regards Marcus