Hi Isomorphic,
can you have a look at the change log app (12.1)?
If I search there for "mysql" I can see results that also include "mssql", but I can't see the very same entry if I search for "mssql".
Also, searching the 12.0 docs for "paging" brings up a result about "Stratus"-skin that does not mention "paging"!? Can you explain what data is searched here and displayed.
Also, I think it would be great if the two ListGrids are sorted by date descending by default, as then you can see if there is a new relevant change in a new nightly by just opening the page.
Best regards
can you have a look at the change log app (12.1)?
If I search there for "mysql" I can see results that also include "mssql", but I can't see the very same entry if I search for "mssql".
Also, searching the 12.0 docs for "paging" brings up a result about "Stratus"-skin that does not mention "paging"!? Can you explain what data is searched here and displayed.
Also, I think it would be great if the two ListGrids are sorted by date descending by default, as then you can see if there is a new relevant change in a new nightly by just opening the page.
Best regards