HI there,
Wit the current build there is an error in the parseEditorValue.
Entering a Value like "1620" and then tab out does call the parseEditorValue-Method with a value "1620" and afterwards 2 more times with "16: 20" with a space after the colon!
Entering a value like "1745" and then hit enter, the method will be called three times with the same value "1745".
In both cases, there is a space after the colon. This should be there.
In our use case we have implemented some convenience functions in the completeTimeFormat-Method, but the parameter should be the same.
Its reproducable in the latest build (SmartClient_v130p_2023-07-26_Pro.zip) and all browsers
Best regards
Wit the current build there is an error in the parseEditorValue.
Entering a Value like "1620" and then tab out does call the parseEditorValue-Method with a value "1620" and afterwards 2 more times with "16: 20" with a space after the colon!
Entering a value like "1745" and then hit enter, the method will be called three times with the same value "1745".
In both cases, there is a space after the colon. This should be there.
In our use case we have implemented some convenience functions in the completeTimeFormat-Method, but the parameter should be the same.
Its reproducable in the latest build (SmartClient_v130p_2023-07-26_Pro.zip) and all browsers
isc.TreeGrid.create({ "ID": "theTreeGrid", "width": "400", "height": "200", "autoDraw": true, "canEdit": true, "autoSaveEdits": false, "timeFormatter": "toShort24HourTime", "fields": [{ "name": "timeBeginDayTreeGridField", "title": "Tag", "type": "text", "width": 160, "canEdit": false, "escapeHTML": true, "shouldPrint": true, "editorProperties": { "escapeHTML": true } }, { "name": "timeBeginTimeTreeGridField", "title": "Beginn Uhrzeit", "type": "time", "canEdit": true, "escapeHTML": true, "shouldPrint": true, "showHover": true, "editorProperties": { "escapeHTML": true, "parseEditorValue": function (value, form, item) { return completeTimeFormat(value); }, "ID": "editor1" } }, { "name": "workingTimeEndTimeTreeGridField", "title": "Ende Uhrzeit", "type": "time", "canEdit": true, "escapeHTML": true, "shouldPrint": true, "editorProperties": { "escapeHTML": true, "parseEditorValue": function (value, form, item) { return completeTimeFormat(value); }, "ID": "editor2" } } ], "nodeIcon ": null, "folderIcon": null, "selectionProperty": "isSelected", "leaveSelectionCheckboxGap": false, "members": [], data: isc.Tree.create({ "ID": "timetree", "modelType": "children", "childrenProperty": "children", "openProperty": "isOpen", "root": { "title": "Root", "isFolder": false, "isOpen": false, "id": "root", "isSelected": false, "canSelect": true, "children": [{ "title": "", "isFolder": false, "isOpen": false, "id": "2", "canSelect": true, "timeBeginDayTreeGridField": "Time", "timeBeginTimeTreeGridField": "16:04", } ] } }) }) function completeTimeFormat (timeInput) { console.log(timeInput); return timeInput }