Hi Isomorphic,
as said here I really like MultiPickerItem and SetFilterItem. I played around a bit with it and for now I have mainly design feedback.
I used this testcase here (SNAPSHOT_v13.1d_2024-03-22, Win10 FullHD, FF 123):
Best regards
(1) 1st item checkbox moving.gif:
As you can see the CheckBox for the 1st entry is moving on repeated clicks on "Select All" and/or "Clear All"

(2) Scrollknobs not disappearing.gif:
As you can see the Scrollknobs from the SetFilterItem-scrollbar take a few ms to disappear after the SetFilterItem has disappeared

(3) Textbox width.png:
As you can see the textbox is not as wide as the list below it. Also, the "Search"-icon there is not needed IMHO, as the search is instant. A "Clear"-icon to remove entered text might make more sense.
as said here I really like MultiPickerItem and SetFilterItem. I played around a bit with it and for now I have mainly design feedback.
I used this testcase here (SNAPSHOT_v13.1d_2024-03-22, Win10 FullHD, FF 123):
isc.ListGrid.create({ ID: "supplyList", width:500, height:300, alternateRecordStyles:true, dataSource: supplyItem, fields:[ {name:"SKU"}, {name:"itemName"}, {name:"description"}, {name:"category", filterEditorType: "SetFilterItem"} ], autoFetchData: true, showFilterEditor: true, filterOnKeypress: true, fetchDelay: 500 });
(1) 1st item checkbox moving.gif:
As you can see the CheckBox for the 1st entry is moving on repeated clicks on "Select All" and/or "Clear All"
(2) Scrollknobs not disappearing.gif:
As you can see the Scrollknobs from the SetFilterItem-scrollbar take a few ms to disappear after the SetFilterItem has disappeared
(3) Textbox width.png:
As you can see the textbox is not as wide as the list below it. Also, the "Search"-icon there is not needed IMHO, as the search is instant. A "Clear"-icon to remove entered text might make more sense.