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  • claudiobosticco
    SmartClient Version: SNAPSHOT_v13.1d_2024-06-27/Enterprise Development Only (built 2024-06-27)

    Originally posted by claudiobosticco View Post
    then there are some svg icons which seem off size.

    The "minus" (stockIcons.svg#remove) in the treeGrid seems too big:
    now those are fine, thanks!

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  • claudiobosticco

    Originally posted by claudiobosticco View Post
    there's also this visual glitch when hovering a MenuButton
    SmartClient Version: SNAPSHOT_v13.1d_2024-06-27/Enterprise Development Only (built 2024-06-27)

    I see this is fixed, thank you very much

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  • Isomorphic
    Good spot, thanks - we'll fix the scaling.

    If you're testing this and wanted to try modifying a src, you can call isc.Media.modifyStockIconSrc("Edit", "some other src") - but bear in mind that this mechanism is internal and subject, even likely, to change by the time it gets documented.

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  • claudiobosticco
    Hello, while testing this really cool feature:

    Originally posted by Isomorphic View Post
    FInally, on SVG being used when you specify pngs - it's a framework feature, although currently undoc'd as we mentioned - known framework image paths are listed internally as stockIcon objects, with a name and a current src - you can modify the current src for these stockIcons by name, to any arbitrary src string - later, when any code requests one of those known file-paths, the framework will render whatever src is currently assigned to the associated stockIcon, whether it's the original file from disk or some replacement, like a sprite:svg string. In this way, you can replace framework icons with just a map of names to new src strings, at runtime if you want to, rather than hacking through load_skin.js. You can also load known stockIcons by just their names in src strings, like src: "Edit" or src: "Chevron_Up".
    with this test case ("Edit" icon):

                title: "Stretch Button",
                width: 150,
                icon: "Edit"
        ID: "menu",
        autoDraw: false,
        showShadow: true,
        shadowDepth: 10,
        data: [
            {title: "New", keyTitle: "Ctrl+N", icon: "Edit"},
            {title: "Open", keyTitle: "Ctrl+O", icon: "[SAMPLE]icons/16/folder_out.png"},
            {isSeparator: true},
            {title: "Save", keyTitle: "Ctrl+S", icon: "[SAMPLE]icons/16/disk_blue.png"},
            {title: "Save As", icon: "[SAMPLE]icons/16/save_as.png"},
            {isSeparator: true},
            {title: "Recent Documents", icon: "[SAMPLE]icons/16/folder_document.png", submenu: [
                {title: "data.xml", checked: true},
                {title: "Component Guide.doc"},
                {title: "SmartClient.doc", checked: true},
                {title: "AJAX.doc"}
            {isSeparator: true},
            {title: "Export as...", icon: "[SAMPLE]icons/16/export1.png", submenu: [
                {title: "XML"},
                {title: "CSV"},
                {title: "Plain text"}
            {isSeparator: true},
            {title: "Print", enabled: false, keyTitle: "Ctrl+P", icon: "[SAMPLE]icons/16/printer3.png"}
    var menuButton = isc.MenuButton.create({
        ID: "menuButton",
        autoDraw: false,
        title: "File",
        width: 100,
        menu: menu
        ID: "printButton",
        icon: "Edit",
        title: "Print"
        width: "100%", membersMargin:20,
        members: [menuButton, stretchButton, printButton]
    I noticed that only in the ToolStripButton svgs scale with the font/controls resize, in Buttons and Menus they've got always the same 16px size.

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  • claudiobosticco
    Click image for larger version

Name:	2024-06-18 13.27.13.jpg
Views:	71
Size:	2.4 KB
ID:	272610
    there's also this visual glitch when hovering a MenuButton

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  • Isomorphic
    Thanks Claudio.

    Firstly, we've fixed the issue with Scrollbar-ends and introduced the icons for ColorItem and the unstacked Spinner images. Those changes will be in tomorrow's builds.

    Secondly, it's true that some of the icons are too big - we had to crop the SVGs to make them uniform, and that requires some of them to specify a smaller size in their src strings - we'll change these

    FInally, on SVG being used when you specify pngs - it's a framework feature, although currently undoc'd as we mentioned - known framework image paths are listed internally as stockIcon objects, with a name and a current src - you can modify the current src for these stockIcons by name, to any arbitrary src string - later, when any code requests one of those known file-paths, the framework will render whatever src is currently assigned to the associated stockIcon, whether it's the original file from disk or some replacement, like a sprite:svg string. In this way, you can replace framework icons with just a map of names to new src strings, at runtime if you want to, rather than hacking through load_skin.js. You can also load known stockIcons by just their names in src strings, like src: "Edit" or src: "Chevron_Up".

    The Window header icons you mentioned are still pngs because we haven't yet mapped any of the icons in the "headerIcons" stockIcon group to SVG strings.

    We're looking into all of these!

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  • claudiobosticco
    I also noticed that with disabled:true on the SectionStack, those ImgButtons use a png.

    I'm also not sure that the "Disabled" appearance for SectionStack headers, ListGrid headers, etc is really appropriate, considering the more neutral "normal state" appearance.

    Click image for larger version  Name:	2024-06-18 13.12.16.jpg Views:	0 Size:	31.0 KB ID:	272607

    same for Tabs, Calendar headers, DateChooser
    Last edited by claudiobosticco; 18 Jun 2024, 03:24.

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  • claudiobosticco
    I've also noticed that in some samples (ie sectionControls), when you use the Shiva skin the ImgButtons icons are svg even if in the sample code the src attribute targets a png.
    Is it a showcase feature, or an actual feature of the framework?

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  • claudiobosticco
    SmartClient Version: SNAPSHOT_v13.1d_2024-06-18/AllModules Development Only (built 2024-06-18)

    Hello, with the latest build I still see pngs here:

    - close/minimize icons in Window headers
    - unstacked spinner plus/minus
    - color picker icon

    scrollbar arrows are svg sprites, but there the bug from the previous post

    then there are some svg icons which seem off size.

    The "minus" (stockIcons.svg#remove) in the treeGrid seems too big:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	2024-06-18 12.18.03.jpg
Views:	85
Size:	27.3 KB
ID:	272603

    maybe also the DateChooser icon (#date_range):

    Click image for larger version

Name:	2024-06-18 12.18.31.jpg
Views:	67
Size:	18.2 KB
ID:	272604
    there you may see there's also something wrong with the #filter_list icon after hovering/clicking it.

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  • claudiobosticco
    ok, but maybe this is relevant: when clicking and holding the scrollbar's "verticalScrollStart" it will switch from an "arrow up" to an "arrow down".
    No problem with the verticalScrollEnd.

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  • Isomorphic
    hi Claudio,

    Yes, there are still some pngs being used, where we haven't yet mapped an SVG.

    In terms of reporting specific instances, yes, that would be helpful - however, it's worth leaving that kind of report until tomorrow's builds, since we've already added some of the missing SVG mappings earlier today, along with a few minor tweaks in the mechanism that does the mapping.

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  • claudiobosticco
    SmartClient Version: SNAPSHOT_v13.1d_2024-06-17/AllModules Development Only (built 2024-06-17)

    I can confirm it's fixed, thank you very much

    Originally posted by Isomorphic View Post
    Thanks Claudio - we've fixed the font-icon issue, and we're also doing the bulk switch to SVGs in Shiva that was mentioned some time ago. All being well, those changes will be in tomorrow's builds.
    I still see some .png files, are you aware of those or could it be useful if I signal them?

    For now I've noticed:
    - close/minimize icons in Window headers
    - scrollbar arrows
    - unstacked spinner plus/minus
    - color picker icon

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  • Isomorphic
    Initially, yes - but they're pluggable, albeit in a currently undocumented way - we may not document the mechanism publicly until 14.0.

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  • claudiobosticco
    Nice! May I ask if Shiva will be the only skin using SVG ?

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  • Isomorphic
    Thanks Claudio - we've fixed the font-icon issue, and we're also doing the bulk switch to SVGs in Shiva that was mentioned some time ago. All being well, those changes will be in tomorrow's builds.

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