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    Originally posted by Isomorphic View Post

    If you mean "update" as in make further changes, without pulling in any changes in the base skin, then, the best approach is as outlined above: keep a spare SDK around, locked to a specific date, and update the skin there. Then, only changes you yourself have made will be applied, when you export it again.
    Hello, I was actually referring to a scenario where I make additional changes AND incorporate any updates from the base skin, or even just re-export from a new version of the base skin, without making further changes myself, simply to integrate updates from the base skin into my custom skin.

    I hope to find the time to put together a sample maven overlay to better illustrate what I have in mind


      Originally posted by claudiobosticco View Post
      SNAPSHOT_v13.1d_2024-07-30/Enterprise Development Only

      I can add that with the tweaks above I almost got it working, but when I try "export" I get this error:

      java.lang.ClassCastException: class oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleClobReader cannot be cast to class java.lang.String (oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleClobReader is in unnamed module of loader @2e005c4b; java.lang.String is in module java.base of loader 'bootstrap')
      while "save" works.
      Hello, any news about this issue?


        actually it seems that adding type="text" to the userSettings field of isc_userSkin.ds.xml fixes the export problem.

        Is it expected that the exported skin, without the "export as base skin" option ckecked, contains the "template" folder?


          Yes - the template folder contains files which allow the skin to continue to be edited in the Skin Editor. Differences in those files determines whether the skin is a "base" skin or not. A base-skin, of course, can be used as the basis for another custom skin.


            Thanks for the clarification.

            For the userSettings field, for now, I'm having Maven add type="text".

            May I ask if it would be feasible, with minimal effort, to make the custom export operation to also work with exportToFilesystem? I've tried to add it, together with export.allow.filesystem in, but it is ignored.


              hi Claudio,

              We've added type="text" to text-fields in the isc_userSkin DS so we deal with converting Oracle CLOBs - please retest with tomorrow's builds, dated August 27 or later, for that change.

              The exportToFilesystem flag isn't directly supported in this case - but we agree that supporting it would be a good approach here. We'll look into it and update here when we have more information.


                SmartClient Version: SNAPSHOT_v13.1d_2024-08-28/Enterprise Development Only (built 2024-08-28)

                Hello, I see the addition of type="text", but now I've got this error while trying to load my custom skin in the skin editor:

                Remote Debugging unavailable (Messaging endpoint not responding). To enable Remote Debugging, see the Remote Debugging overview in the reference.
                11:17:05.203:WARN:Log:Usage: action=appShowStartPane, data=showStartPane, data2=
                11:17:05.529:WARN:Log:value is null in getUsedVariables() -
                    $376(dsResponse=>Obj, data=>Array[1], Obj)
                    [c]Class.fireCallback(_1=>$376(), _2=>"dsResponse,data,dsRequest", _3=>Array[3], _4=>[DataSource ID:isc_baseSkin], _5=>undef)
                    Class.fireCallback(_1=>$376(), _2=>"dsResponse,data,dsRequest", _3=>Array[3], _4=>undef)
                    DataSource.fireResponseCallbacks(_1=>Obj, _2=>Obj, _3=>Obj, _4=>Obj)
                    DataSource.$38b(_1=>Array[1], _2=>Obj, _3=>Obj, _4=>Obj, _5=>Obj)
                    DataSource.$50h(_1=>Obj, _2=>Array[1], _3=>Obj)
                    ** recursed on [c]Class.fireCallback
                11:17:05.530:WARN:Log:value is null in getUsedVariables() -
                    $376(dsResponse=>Obj, data=>Array[1], Obj)
                    [c]Class.fireCallback(_1=>$376(), _2=>"dsResponse,data,dsRequest", _3=>Array[3], _4=>[DataSource ID:isc_baseSkin], _5=>undef)
                    Class.fireCallback(_1=>$376(), _2=>"dsResponse,data,dsRequest", _3=>Array[3], _4=>undef)
                    DataSource.fireResponseCallbacks(_1=>Obj, _2=>Obj, _3=>Obj, _4=>Obj)
                    DataSource.$38b(_1=>Array[1], _2=>Obj, _3=>Obj, _4=>Obj, _5=>Obj)
                    DataSource.$50h(_1=>Obj, _2=>Array[1], _3=>Obj)
                    ** recursed on [c]Class.fireCallback
                11:17:05.743:WARN:themeEditor:Error propagating theme to observer: themeEditor - TypeError: record.value is undefined
                    [a]Class.themeChangedNotify(observer=>[ThemeEditor ID:themeEditor])
                    $376(dsResponse=>Obj, data=>Array[1], Obj)
                    [c]Class.fireCallback(_1=>$376(), _2=>"dsResponse,data,dsRequest", _3=>Array[3], _4=>[DataSource ID:isc_baseSkin], _5=>undef)
                    Class.fireCallback(_1=>$376(), _2=>"dsResponse,data,dsRequest", _3=>Array[3], _4=>undef)
                    DataSource.fireResponseCallbacks(_1=>Obj, _2=>Obj, _3=>Obj, _4=>Obj)
                    DataSource.$38b(_1=>Array[1], _2=>Obj, _3=>Obj, _4=>Obj, _5=>Obj)
                    DataSource.$50h(_1=>Obj, _2=>Array[1], _3=>Obj)
                    ** recursed on [c]Class.fireCallback
                11:17:05.747:WARN:Log:Usage: action=appLoadSkin, data=Juventus_Light, data2=
                this was working until SmartClient Version: SNAPSHOT_v13.1d_2024-08-25/Enterprise Development Only (built 2024-08-25) (stopped working with 2024-08-26 actually)


                  hi Claudio,

                  We applied a fix for today's builds that will likely fix this error - we've also tweaked the flows that resulted in the other warnings in your log, but those changes won't land until tomorrow's builds.


                    SmartClient Version: SNAPSHOT_v13.1d_2024-08-30/Enterprise Development Only (built 2024-08-30)

                    Hello, the fix doesn't seem there, I'll retry with tomorrow's build.


                      SmartClient Version: SNAPSHOT_v13.1d_2024-08-31/AllModules Development Only (built 2024-08-31)

                      still no luck, let me know when I may retry


                        hi Claudio - have you been updating the /tools dir? Do you now see that the /tools/skinTools/data/isc_baseSkin.ds.xml file no longer sets type="text"? That was the change that was made.


                          Hello Isomorphic, yes I saw that change, but I understood that there was also a fix for the problem of post #22.

                          With builds after v13.1d_2024-08-25, when I try to load my custom skin, I see those warnings, and it doesn't show data in the themeEditor_tabSet, and shows nothing in the themeEditor preview. Same if I try to create a new custom skin.


                            From the logs you showed, we believe the issue reported in post #22 was caused by us changing the type of not only the fields in the isc_userSkin DS but also the ones in isc_baseSkin. So, we removed the types again from isc_baseSkin.

                            Leave it with us - we'll figure it out and get back to you.


                              Originally posted by Isomorphic View Post
                              hi Claudio - have you been updating the /tools dir? Do you now see that the /tools/skinTools/data/isc_baseSkin.ds.xml file no longer sets type="text"? That was the change that was made.
                              sorry, re-reading I see that you mentioned isc_baseSkin, not isc_userSkin. I saw that you added type="text" to isc_userSkin.

                              I don't see changes to isc_baseSkin. And in this ds there aren't type="text" attributes. Is that important?


                                Originally posted by Isomorphic View Post
                                From the logs you showed, we believe the issue reported in post #22 was caused by us changing the type of not only the fields in the isc_userSkin DS but also the ones in isc_baseSkin. So, we removed the types again from isc_baseSkin.

                                Leave it with us - we'll figure it out and get back to you.
                                oh, I see now, thanks for looking into it

