I'm working with a REST web service that, upon a delete, sends a response back that is an HTTP Status 204 (success), but there is no actual response body (by definition). It appears that DataSource._handleJSONTextReply barfs when there is no response body, and the code never makes it to my derived DataSource class and its transformResponse() function where I could deal with it.
The developer console cheerfully reports that the response is a success, but my ListGrid doesn't update for the obvious reasons.
Could this be fixed?
Kirk Austin
I'm working with a REST web service that, upon a delete, sends a response back that is an HTTP Status 204 (success), but there is no actual response body (by definition). It appears that DataSource._handleJSONTextReply barfs when there is no response body, and the code never makes it to my derived DataSource class and its transformResponse() function where I could deal with it.
The developer console cheerfully reports that the response is a success, but my ListGrid doesn't update for the obvious reasons.
Could this be fixed?
Kirk Austin