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    That string was indeed impossible to translate from the language packs - this has been fixed for 9.0 and 9.1 builds and will be fixed for 8.3 as well in a few days. The new message is "grouping_weekNumberTitle".


      The following new properties have been added: full day names and full month names

      date_dayNames_{1-7}=Sunday to Saturday
      date_monthNames_{1-12}=January to December

      Please update your corresponding resource bundles on the project page. The contributor who has already updated the German localization, please note that something in the conversion process (probably our fault) has overwritten your dayName translations back to English - so please accept our apologies and provide them again.

      Thanks for contributing!
      Isomorphic Software


        The following new properties have been added:

        FilterBuilder_modeSwitcherSimpleMessage=Simple Mode..
        FilterBuilder_modeSwitcherFlattenWarningMessage=Criteria will be modified to fit in simpler editing interface

        Please update your corresponding resource bundles on the project page.

        Thanks for contributing!


          The following new property has been added:


          Please update your corresponding resource bundles on the project page.

          Thanks for contributing!



            I have translated some of the missing translations on for the french and french (France) file.



              There is a Portuguese(Brazil) translation at multiComboBoxItem_defaultHint

              Can you include it?

              Thanks in advance!


                Formula Editor


                I've fixed following translations in Polish (Poland) (user "akos") :

                1. formulaBuilder_saveAddAnotherButtonTitle (Save & Add Another) (imho more correct than "dodaj inne")
                2. formulaBuilder_autoHideCheckBoxLabel ("Auto hide fields used in formula") (fixed spelling mistake)
                3. formulaBuilder_helpTextIntro ("For basic arithmetic, type in symbols (+-/%) directly.<p>The following functions are available:") (added missing sentence)

                But there are also issues I'm not able to fix:

                4. "Formuła Editor" - can't find "Editor" string, there's a separated translation "Formula" -> "Formuła", but correct translation for "Formula Editor" should be "Edytor Formuł" - different syntax and different declination.
                5. formulaBuilder_instructionsTextStart ("The following fields are available for use in this") - this string is concatenated with "Formula" which makes a correct english sentence "The following fields are available for use in this Formula", but in polish "Można użyć następujących pól Formuła" does not make sense, it should be "Można użyć następujących pól w Formule".
                6. "Valid Formula" - similar problem as above, there's a translation "Valid" -> "Poprawny", which, considered separately, is correct, but concatenated with $builderType variable produces grammar error "Poprawny Formuła" or "Poprawny Podsumowanie", correct form for these: "Poprawna Formuła", "Poprawne Podsumowanie". In general, this "contatenation strategy" assumes that other languages have syntax similar to english and that there are no languages with declination, which is of course a wrong assumption :] Imho, You should consider a more safe strategy of translating whole sentences rather than their parts or single words.
                7. Help content - I can't find text for any of functions described in help. It's not a problem to me to translate this whole help, but where is it located?

                I've marked all mentioned points in the attached screenshot.

                I have noticed also a problem with formula update handler (, which behaviour is somehow depend on chosen locale. When I use locale=en, method onFormulaUpdated() is called as expected, but after switching to "pl" or "pl_PL", handler is not called. I suspect that this problem might be caused by errors in polish localisation properties. When can I expect this issue to be fixed?
                Attached Files
                Last edited by j.zakrzewski; 31 Jul 2014, 11:36.


                  I've added translation:

                  listGrid_asynchGroupingPrompt (polish)

                  and also fixed this one in polish (Poland), current translation "Grupuj dane..." is an imperative, but should be passive.


                    Macedonian Framework Localization

                    I am working on Macedonian framework localization. When I finish with it, I will post it here.


                      I Isomorphic. I just added new translations for Spanish. I looks like these were the only ones left to complete all Spanish labels. Please let me know if I can help any further here.


                        I voted for a translation, since the other translation was incorrect:
                        Will this translation be used automatically in the next nightly ?


                          Hello, it seems that comboBoxItem_searchStringTooShortMessage is missing from getLocalization project?


                            Hi @claudiobosticco,

                            it is there, at least in German ("Enter a longer search string to search" / "Bitte einen längeren Suchtext eingeben um zu Suchen").
                            I did not test if it's already incorporated in the current build, as it was only recently added (May, 10th).

                            Best regards


                              Hi Blama, you're right, I was searching for it on using 'short' as a keyword, but I had to use 'longer' to find it. Thanks!


                                The translation for "Must be no more than" is incorrect (for german).
                                But I cannot vote more than 1 time, so the incorrect translation is still in the first place.
                                How to correct this? The same for the opposite "must be at least"
                                Click image for larger version

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